Simulation Study of the Performance of A Turbocharger Turbine Based on Integrated Structural Boundary
关键词:排气系统  排气歧管  涡轮增压器  分离式结构边界  集成式结构边界
Key Words:exhaust system  exhaust manifold  turbocharger  separated structural boundary  integrated structural boundary
尹升 同济大学 汽车学院上海 201804 1811475@tongji.edu.cn 
倪计民* 同济大学 汽车学院上海 201804 nijimin@tongji.edu.cn 
石秀勇 同济大学 汽车学院上海 201804 shixy@tongji.edu.cn 
黄荣 同济大学 汽车学院上海 201804 hr1209@tongji.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1052
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摘要:考虑实际的排气系统流动状态,将排气歧管结构加入到涡轮机性能仿真计算中(集成式结构边界)。针对分离式结构边界和集成式结构边界,在不同的入口截面位置设置相同的入口条件,以某款增压汽油机的涡轮机为例进行研究。研究结果表明:在80 000 r/min、相同的定常进气环境下,两种结构边界在涡轮机入口截面的流动状态有明显的差异。集成式结构边界的流动均匀性指数为0.719,涡轮机膨胀比下降0.051,效率下降3.73%。在不同的转速下,性能都有不同程度的下降。对涡轮机MAP图修正后的计算结果更加接近发动机实际状态。
Abstract:Considering the actual exhaust system flow state, the exhaust manifold structure was added to the turbine performance simulation calculation (integrated structural boundary). For separated structural boundary and integrated structural boundary, the same inlet conditions were set at different inlet cross-sections, and a turbine of a turbocharged gasoline engine was studied as an example. Study results show that at 80 000 r/min and the same steady admission, there was a significant difference between the flow states of the two structures at the turbine inlet cross-section. The flow uniformity index of the integrated structure boundary was 0.719, the expansion ratio decreased by 0.051, and the efficiency decreased by 3.73%. The performance of the integrated structure boundary decreased to different degrees at different speeds. The calculated results after the turbine MAP was corrected were closer to the actual engine condition.
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