Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Turbulent Jet Ignition on the Combustion Characteristics of Natural Gas Engine
关键词:湍流射流点火  燃烧特性  稀薄燃烧  天然气发动机
Key Words:turbulent jet ignition(TJI)  combustion characteristic  lean combustion  natural gas engine
车胜楠,冯钟辉,刘宗宽,周磊,卫海桥,刘昌文 天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 300072 
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摘要:基于一台带有预燃室的点燃式单缸试验机,开展了湍流射流点火(turbulent jet ignition,TJI)模式下天然气发动机性能的试验研究。首先,研究了不同过量空气系数下TJI对天然气发动机动力性能、排放及燃烧特性的影响,并与火花塞点火(spark ignition,SI)模式进行对比;其次,在稀燃条件下分别探究了进气增压和预燃室喷氢对天然气发动机性能的优化作用。结果表明:TJI的使用可有效拓展天然气发动机的稀燃极限,且燃烧滞燃期和燃烧持续期均更短,放热率更高;过量空气系数1.5为甲烷TJI最佳稀燃工况,此时燃油消耗率最低,且可实现NOx近零排放;此外,采用进气增压的方式可以提高TJI发动机在高负荷下的经济性;TJI模式下,相较于预燃室喷甲烷,预燃室喷氢气可进一步缩短滞燃期和燃烧持续期,提高放热率,达到提升TJI性能的效果。
Abstract:Based on a spark ignition(SI) single-cylinder engine with a pre-chamber, an experimental investigation about the performances of nature gas engine was carried out in turbulent jet ignition(TJI) mode. The effects of TJI on the power performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of natural gas engine under different excess air coefficients were studied and compared with the results using the traditional spark ignition method. Then, the optimization effects of intake boosting and pre-chamber fueled with hydrogen on engine performance were carefully investigated under lean conditions. The results show that the TJI can effectively extend the lean combustion limit of natural gas engine with the decrease of ignition delay time and combustion duration as well as the high heat release rate. It can be found that the optimum lean combustion condition using TJI method was the excess air coefficient of 1.5, with which the lowest fuel consumption rate and near-zero nitrogen oxide emission can be achieved. Furthermore, using intake boosting can improve the economy of the TJI engine under high loads. As for TJI combustion mode, compared with the results using pre chamber fueled with methane, the pre-chamber fueled with hydrogen can further reduce the ignition delay time and combustion duration, and improve the heat release rate, which further improves the performance of TJI combustion.
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