侯宇旭,葛蕴珊,王欣,苏盛,谭建伟,郝利君.增压直喷汽油机细小颗粒物排放特性研究[J].内燃机工程,2021,42(4):24-29. |
增压直喷汽油机细小颗粒物排放特性研究 |
Emission Characteristics of Sub-23 nm Particles from a Turbocharged Direct-Injection Gasoline Engine |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2021.04.004 |
关键词:汽油机 细颗粒物 颗粒物数量 排放 |
Key Words:gasoline engine fine particle particle number emission |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51806015);首都蓝天行动培育项目(Z181100005418012) |
摘要点击次数: 2640 |
全文下载次数: 1084 |
摘要:在一辆国六增压直喷、未安装颗粒捕集器的汽油车上分别采用常温(23℃)全球轻型车统一测试循环(worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle, WLTC)、常温(23℃)RTS95和低温(0℃)实际道路排放(real drive emission, RDE)测试循环对粒径在23nm以上和10nm以上的颗粒物数量排放进行了同步测试研究,以研究增压直喷汽油车的细小颗粒物(粒径10nm~23nm)排放特性。结果表明,在常温WLTC、RTS95及低温RDE循环测试中,10nm以上颗粒物的数量排放比国六标准规定的23nm以上颗粒物分别高32.4%、30.4%和15.6%。无颗粒捕集器时,急加速、减速和怠速工况细小颗粒在总颗粒物排放中的占比明显增加;冷起动和暖机阶段细小颗粒物的排放占比很低。细小颗粒主要在车辆充分暖机和三元催化器(three way catalyst,TWC)起燃后产生;较低的环境温度并未引起细小颗粒物的明显增加。 |
Abstract:A simultaneous test study on the particle number emission of particles whose diameters are greater than 23nm and 10nm was conducted on a China-6 certified, turbocharged, direct-injection gasoline engine vehicle without particulate filter using the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle(WLTC) and RTS95 test cycle at ambient temperature(23℃), and real drive emission(RDE) test cycle at low temperature(0℃), to research the emission characteristics of sub-23nm particles from turbocharged direct-injection gasoline engine vehicles. The results showed that the emissions of numbers of particles whose diameters are above 10nm were 32.4%, 30.4% and 15.6% higher than those of China-6 standard required particles whose diameters are above 23nm in the ambient-temperature WLTC, ambient temperature RTS95 test cycle and low-temperature RDE cycle respectively. Without particulate filter, the percentage of sub-23nm particles in the total particle emissions increased significantly during harsh accelerations, decelerations, and idle conditions, but it was very low in the cold-start and warm-up stages. Sub-23nm particles mainly formed after the vehicle was fully warme-up and the three-way catalyst converter was fired. Lower ambient temperature was not beneficial to the formation of sub-23nm particles. |
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