Experiment Investigate of Partially Premixed Compress Ignition Combustion of Marine Diesel Engine
关键词:二次喷射  部分预混压燃  柴油机  燃烧
Key Words:two stage injection  partially premixed compress ignition(PPCI)  diesel engine  combustion
张文正,黄震,冯明志,闫萍,刘瑞,吕兴才 1.上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室上海 200240
 2.中国船舶集团有限公司第七一一研究所上海 201108 
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摘要:以某中速船用柴油机为研究对象,试验研究了基于二次喷射技术对船用柴油机性能和燃烧特性的影响。结果表明,基于二次喷射技术可以实现大缸径船用柴油机部分预混压燃(partially premixed compress ignition, PPCI)燃烧模式,二次喷射的预喷正时、预喷油量及燃油喷射压力对PPCI燃烧过程有明显影响。通过二次喷射策略在单缸机开展试验研究,确定了适用于大缸径船机的PPCI燃烧的燃油喷射控制策略:在平均有效压力(break mean effective pressure, BMEP)为0.3MPa时,采用105MPa喷射压力、上止点前20°预喷时刻和20%预喷油量,在BMEP为0.6MPa时,选择120MPa喷射压力、上止点前35°预喷时刻和28%预喷油量的喷油策略,可以实现较为理想的PPCI燃烧,燃油消耗率可改善3.1%~6.2%,碳烟排放降低51%~62%,压升率降低58%~70%。
Abstract:Based on a medium speed marine diesel engine, an experimental study was carried out to investigate the influence of two stage injection on the engine performance and combustion characteristics. The test results show that, for a large marine diesel engine, the partially premixed compress ignition(PPCI) can be realized by two stage injection at part load. And the key factors affecting PPCI are pilot injection timing, pilot injection quantity and two stage injection pressure. By an experimental study on two stage injection conducted on the single cylinder engine of the medium speed marine diesel engine, a refined strategy of two stage injection for the PPCI combustion of the large marine engine was determined. When the break mean effective pressure(BMEP) is required to be 0.3MPa, the injection pressure of the two stage injection should be 105MPa, the pilot injection timing 20 degrees in crank angle before top dead center, and the pilot injection quantity 20% of the total. When BMEP is required to be 0.6MPa, the injection pressure of the two stage injection should be 120MPa, the pilot injection timing 35 degrees in crank angle before top dead center, and the pilot injection quantity 28% of the total. The profit from the PPCI combustion is that the break specific fuel consumption can be reduced by 3.1%~6.2%, the soot emissions can be reduced by 51%~62%, and the rate of pressure raise can be reduced by 58%~70%.
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