王浩浩,葛蕴珊,谭建伟.颗粒捕集器中沉积灰分对柴油机非常规污染物排放影响研究[J].内燃机工程,2021,42(3):81-85. |
颗粒捕集器中沉积灰分对柴油机非常规污染物排放影响研究 |
The Effects of Ash Deposited in Diesel Particulate Filter on the Unregulated Emissions |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2021.03.012 |
关键词:灰分 柴油颗粒捕集器 非常规污染物排放 |
Key Words:ash diesel particulate filter unregulated emission |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2017YFF0211802)和国家自然科学基金 (51676017) |
摘要点击次数: 2588 |
全文下载次数: 1248 |
摘要:针对柴油机氧化性催化剂(Diesel Oxidize Catalyst,DOC)与柴油机颗粒捕集器(Catalyst Diesel particulate filter,cDPF)组合的后处理系统,研究了在cDPF中沉积灰分对柴油机排气中醛酮污染物类、苯系污染物的影响。研究结果发现,对苯系污染物,随着沉积灰分的增加,cDPF前苯系污染物排放呈现U型变化趋势, 在各个工况下,cDPF后排气中苯系污染物排放量与cDPF前相比均明显升高,苯系污染物各组分的排放量变化程度不同;存在灰分时,cDPF前的醛酮类污染物排放量与新鲜状态相比有明显增加,但cDPF后醛酮类污染物排放量呈明显下降趋势,并且醛酮类污染物物种也发生了变化。 |
Abstract:In terms of DOC(Diesel Oxidize Catalyst)and cDPF (Catalyst Diesel Particulate Filter)diesel engine aftertreatment system, the effects of ash deposited in cDPF on the BTEX and carbonyl compounds emission characters were studied in this work. Research results indicate that the tendency of the BTEX emission before cDPF with ash is U shaped with the ash accumulation. Meanwhile, the BTEX emission after CDPF with ash increases clearly compared with the BTEX emission before cDPF with ash in different working condition and the BTEX contents are also changed in different degrees. The total carbonyl compounds emission before cDPF with ash increases obviously compared with the cDPF without ash. In addition, the total carbonyl compounds emission after cDPF with ash decreases obviously and the carbonyl compounds changes a lot in different working condition compared with the before cDPF with ash. |
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