Study on Measurement Accuracy of an Inlet Port Steady Flow Test Rig
关键词:进气道  稳流试验  精度分析  测量系统分析
Key Words:inlet port  steady flow test  accuracy analysis  measurement system analysis
魏鹏飞,潘洁,鲁祯,王天友,谭从民,郝彩凤 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 3000722.潍柴动力股份有限公司 发动机研究院潍坊 261061 
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Abstract:In order to ensure the measurement accuracy of an inlet port steady flow test rig, the error analysis theory and the measurement system analysis method were used to analyze the main sources affecting the measurement accuracy from direct and indirect factors. Results showed that the measurement accuracy of swirl momentum meter and intake flow meter had the greatest influence on the measurement results of swirl ratio and flow coefficient, accounting for 85.68% and 94.15% of total measurement error, respectively. For the valve lift deviation of 0.1mm, the measurement result would change about 1%. When the outward deviation of the measured cylinder head positioning reached 1.0mm, the swirl ratio may increased by 14.43%, but the flow coefficient would not change significantly. Moreover, the repeatability and reproducibility of the steady flow test rig could reach 28%, and the reproducibility of human factors would hardly affect the test results.
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