杨鸿镔,刘海峰,王浒,张波,郑尊清,尧命发.基于外特性前馈和模糊控制反馈的发动机冷却系统控制策略研究[J].内燃机工程,2020,41(3):63-71. |
基于外特性前馈和模糊控制反馈的发动机冷却系统控制策略研究 |
Study on Control Strategy of Engine Cooling System with Mapping Feedforward and Fuzzy Control Feedback |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2020.03.009 |
关键词:内燃机 冷却系统 前馈 模糊控制 控制系统 |
Key Words:IC engine cooling system feedforward fuzzy control control system |
基金项目:国家重点研究计划项目(2017YFB0103501) |
摘要点击次数: 3862 |
全文下载次数: 1736 |
摘要:在GT-SUITE中建立了一维重型柴油机瞬态冷却系统仿真模型,并对冷却系统控制策略的开发方法和控制效果进行了研究。以降低冷却系统附件最小功耗及提高冷却液温度控制精度为目标,分别设计了脉谱前馈与模糊控制、变论域模糊控制、变论域模糊控制加水泵比例积分控制3种控制策略,并在全球统一瞬态试验循环工况下进行发动机台架工况与整车车辆运行工况的仿真计算对比。研究结果表明:相比模糊控制,反馈采用变论域模糊控制能使发动机出口冷却液温度振幅减少37.6%,温度处于±0.5℃区间内的时间增加39.98%,且附件总能耗降低8.58%,冷却性能得到明显改善;额外采用水泵比例积分控制能使发动机出口冷却液温度振幅进一步减少16.1%,温度处于±0.5℃区间内的时间增加15.26%,但附件总能耗相比提高10.3%,提高温控精度但牺牲了附件的功耗。脉谱前馈与变论域模糊控制在温控精度与功耗优化方面整体表现最优,整车运行环境下温控精度相比模糊控制提高49.28%,同时功耗降低8.68%。 |
Abstract:The one-dimensional transient simulation model of a heavy-duty diesel engine cooling system was established by using GT-SUITE software, and the control strategy and control effect of the cooling system were studied. In order to reduce the energy consumption of the cooling system and improve the accuracy of coolant temperature control, three control strategies combining the mapping feedforward and three different fuzzy control feedbacks were designed, including the fuzzy control feedback, variable-universe fuzzy control feedback and variable-universe fuzzy control feedback with pump speed proportional integral control. Then, according to the worldwide harmonized transient cycle(WHTC) conditions, a simulation calculation and its comparison with the engine bench test and vehicle operation were carried out. Results show that compared with fuzzy control feedback, use of variable-universe fuzzy control feedback can reduce the variation of the engine coolant outlet temperature by 37.6%, and increase the duration of water temperature control within the range of ±0.5℃ by 39.98% coupled to the reduction of the total energy consumption of the cooling system by 8.58%, thus resulting in a significant improvement in cooling performance. In particular, by using variable-universe fuzzy control feedback with pump speed proportional integral control, the engine coolant outlet temperature can be further reduced by 16.1%, and the duration of water temperature control within the range of ±0.5℃ is increased by 15.26%, but the total energy consumption of the cooling system is also increased by 10.3%, so that the temperature control accuracy is improved at the expense of energy consumption. In summary, compared with fuzzy control feedback, use of variable-universe fuzzy control feedback has the best overall performance in terms of the temperature control accuracy and energy consumption, which improves the temperature control accuracy by 49.28% during vehicle operation, and reduces the energy consumption of the cooling system by 8.68%. |
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