Diesel Particulate Matter Reduction and DPF Regeneration at Low Temperature Based on Non-Thermal Plasma Technology
关键词:柴油机  颗粒物  低温等离子体  颗粒捕集器  再生
Key Words:diesel engine  particulate matter  non-thermal plasma  diesel particular filter  regeneration
施蕴曦,蔡忆昔,王静,李小华,樊润林,陈祎 江苏大学 汽车与交通工程学院镇江 212013 
摘要点击次数: 3764
全文下载次数: 2015
摘要:针对柴油机颗粒捕集器(diesel particulate filter,DPF)传统再生方法的缺陷,根据低温等离子体(non-thermal plasma,NTP)放电理论,探索了NTP低温再生DPF技术。从化学反应动力学角度探讨了基于NTP技术的DPF再生反应机理,并利用现代测试分析技术研究了NTP对颗粒物(particulate matter,PM)质量粒径分布、微观形貌、碳结构及表面官能团演变的作用规律。建立NTP技术再生DPF的试验系统,对已捕集PM的DPF进行再生试验研究。通过监测PM的氧化分解产物CO、CO2的体积分数和DPF的内部温度,结合DPF的背压变化,研究不同再生初始温度下的PM氧化分解特性和DPF再生特性,并考察NTP技术对DPF再生的安全性。研究结果表明,NTP技术可有效分解柴油机排气中的PM,显著降低DPF的再生温度,且无需催化剂。这为DPF再生提供了新的研究途径。
Abstract:In view of the defect of traditional regeneration method for diesel particulate filter(DPF), the DPF regeneration at low temperature using non thermal plasma(NTP) technology was explored based on the NTP discharge theory. The chemical reaction mechanism of DPF generation with NTP technology was discussed from the point of view of chemical reaction kinetics, and the effect of NTP on the particle size distribution, micro morphology, carbon structure and surface functional group of particulate matter(PM) were researched with modern testing and analysis technologies. Then an experimental system for DPF regeneration with NTP technology was established, and the regeneration of DPF which had captured PM was experimentally carried out. The oxidation decomposition and regeneration characteristics of DPF at different initial temperatures were studied, and the safety of DPF regeneration with NTP technology was investigated by monitoring the volume fractions of CO and CO2, the internal temperature of DPF, and the change of DPF back pressure. The research results indicate that the NTP technology can effectively decompose PM from diesel engine exhaust gas, and significantly reduce the regeneration temperature of DPF without catalyst. This provides a new research approach for DPF regeneration.
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