Development of Status of Urea SCR System and Control Strategy for Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles
关键词:重型柴油机  后处理  氮氧化物  选择性催化还原  控制策略
Key Words:heavy duty diesel engine  aftertreatment  nitrogen oxides  selective catalytic reduction(SCR)  control strategy
王国仰,张俊,祁金柱,刘世宇,肖建华,帅石金 1.山东大学 能源与动力工程学院济南 250061 2.清华大学 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室北京 100084 
摘要点击次数: 5020
全文下载次数: 2018
Abstract:According to the working principle of selective catalytic reduction(SCR) system, the catalyst integration scheme of DeNOx system was described. Focusing on the main problems faced by SCR control system, the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and advanced SCR control systems were highlighted. Research results show that the main problems faced by the SCR control systems are the nonlinear characteristics of the SCR model, the coupled control with multi-time scales and the reliability of commercial sensors used in the harsh environment. The NOx conversion efficiency of the open loop control system can reach 60%~80%, only meeting the requirements of China's CN Ⅳ and CN Ⅴ emission regulations. The closed-loop control system has a higher NOx conversion efficiency and can meet more stringent emission regulations. Advanced SCR control technology has good control effect and robustness, and can more effectively control NOx emissions and NH3 slip. In addition, the coordinated control of the engine and its aftertreatment system increases the controllability, which can further reduce the pollutant emissions from diesel vehicles.
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