Experimental Study on Online Estimation of Diesel Particulate Filter Soot Load
关键词:颗粒物捕集器  碳烟负载量  在线预估  建模
Key Words:diesel particulate filter(DPF)  soot load  online estimation  modeling
黄铁雄,朱元宪,冉勇,张明超,刘南江,陈超 成都威特电喷有限责任公司 技术中心成都 611731 
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摘要:通过建立柴油机氮氧化物(NOx)排放、碳烟排放预估模型和柴油机颗粒物过滤器(DPF)内碳烟颗粒的催化氧化反应模型,探讨了一种基于质量平衡的DPF碳烟负载量在线预估方法。欧盟驾驶循环(NEDC)测试工况的排放试验结果表明,柴油机NOx和碳烟排放预估模型计算结果与试验结果的误差分别为5.1%和3.9%。在车辆实际道路行驶工况进行了DPF碳烟颗粒加载试验,结果表明,试验过程中对DPF碳烟负载量的在线预估值与试验结果的最大偏差为0.48 g/L,平均偏差为0.17 g/L,模型的平均预测误差为2.1%。本研究为热再生时机的准确判断提供了有效参考。
Abstract:An online soot load estimation method based on mass balance was developed through establishing the predicting models of NOx and soot emissions from engine and the model of catalytic soot oxidation reaction of passive regeneration in diesel particulate filter(DPF). The verification of the emissions models were carried out by the new European driving cycle(NEDC) test. The results show that the prediction errors of the NOx and soot emissions models are 5.1% and 3.9% respectively. A DPF soot loading test is also conducted by on-vehicle real world driving. It is shown that the maximum error of the developed estimation method is 0.48 g/L and the average error is 0.17 g/L, achieving an average online estimation error of 2.1% during the whole testing phase. This indicates that the method has a considerable potential in performing the DPF thermal regeneration in a reasonable and timely manner.
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