Engine Starting Resistance Torque of Hybrid Vehicle
关键词:混合动力  发动机起动  Matlab/Simulink  阻力矩
Key Words:hybrid power  engine start  Matlab/Simulink  resistance torque
金洪超,王博,倪培永,朱建新,向玉德,王晨 1.南通大学 机械工程学院南通 2260192.科力远混合动力技术有限公司上海 201501 3.上海理工大学 汽车工程研究所上海 200093 
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摘要:为研究功率分流式混合动力汽车发动机起动过程,建立了动态阻力矩模型,在此基础上开展了发动机缸内压力试验,基于泵气阻力矩和往复惯性力矩公式,结合试验参数和数据,通过Matlab/Simulink对泵气阻力矩和往复惯性力矩进行了仿真计算。在30 ℃水温条件下开展了摩擦阻力矩试验,获取了静摩擦与动摩擦阻力矩数据。为研究节气门开度、初始曲轴转角和发动机水温对起动过程阻力矩的影响,开展了各转速下不同节气门开度缸内压力试验、不同初始曲轴转角静摩擦阻力矩试验和不同发动机水温动摩擦阻力矩试验,通过不同初始曲轴转角发动机拖转试验对动态阻力矩模型进行了验证。结果表明:通过对混合动力发动机起动过程阻力矩进行理论建模与试验,可以准确模拟混合动力发动机起动过程中的动态阻力矩特性。
Abstract:In order to study the start resistance torque of power split hybrid vehicle engine, a dynamic resistance torque analysis model was established. Based on the model, pump gas resistance torque and reciprocating inertia force torque were simulated by using the Matlab/Simulink according to the formulas, measured cylinder pressure and engine parameters data. The engine friction torque experiment at water temperature of 30℃ was made to get the result of engine static and dynamic friction torques. The dynamic resistance torque in engine starting process was obtained by combining calculation with experiment. To investigate the influences of the opening throttle angle, initial crank angle and engine water temperature on the dynamic resistance torque, the experiments were carried out of cylinder pressure at different throttle openings and at two different engine speeds, static friction torque at different initial crank angles and dynamic torque at different water temperatures. The engine towing test was conducted to validate the dynamic resistance torque model. The result shows that the combination of simulation and experiment can accurately describe the characteristics of the starting resistance torque of hybrid vehicle engine.
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