Effect of Nozzle Hole Diameter on Wall-Impinged Spray Characteristics
关键词:等喷油量  喷孔直径  喷雾碰壁  液相  气相
Key Words:constant injection mass  nozzle hole diameter  wall-impinged spray  liquid phase  vapor phase
杜巍,张乾坤,安一峰 1.北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 1000812.中国舰船研究设计中心武汉 430061 
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摘要:利用单孔喷嘴高压共轨喷油器,以喷油器油量标定数据及控制参数为基础,在定容燃烧弹上,采用纹影和高速相机成像技术,在等喷油量变喷孔直径的前提下,测量了液相碰壁喷雾的半径(liquid-phase impingement spray radius, RL)、高度(liquid-phase impingement spray height, HL)、面积(liquid-phase impingement spray area, AL)和气相碰壁喷雾的半径(vapor-phase impingement spray radius, RV)、高度(vapor-phase impingement spray height, HV)、面积(vapor-phase impingement spray area,AV)参数的变化规律,对比了喷油结束时刻及喷油结束之后的碰壁喷雾特性。结果表明:在定油量条件下,喷雾喷油结束之前的增长速率高于喷油结束之后。喷孔直径越大,喷雾扩散速率越大,喷油持续期越短,但喷油结束之后RV的扩散速率与孔径关系不大。喷油结束时刻,随着喷孔直径的增加,RL、RV、HV、AV、纯气相面积(pure vapor-phase impingement spray area, APV)不断降低,HL、AL不断增加。除此之外,RV与RL相近,而HV远大于HL。
Abstract:The effect of nozzle hole diameter on wall-impinged spray characteristics was investigated under the condition of a constant injection mass. Experiments were performed in a constant volume combustion chamber using a high pressure common-rail injector with a single-nozzle hole, the diameter of which could be changed. A high-speed camera and a Schlieren visualization set-up were used to capture the behavior of impinged liquid- and vapor-phase sprays respectively. Variation laws for the radiuses, heights, and areas of the impinged sprays in both liquid and vapor phases(RL and RV, HL and HV, as well as AL and Av) were obtained by analyzing the images captured in the experiments, and the comparison was made of the wall-impinged spray characteristics at and after the injection end time. The results show that for a constant injection mass, the rate of spray increase before the end of injection is higher than that after the injection. A larger nozzle hole diameter causes higher spray diffusion rate and shorter injection duration. Nevertheless, the diffusion rate of RV does not change with increased nozzle hole diameter after the injection has ended. At the injection end time, RL, RV, HV, AV and APV (pure vapor-phase impingement spray area) decrease with increased nozzle hole diameter, whereas HL and AL increase. Additionally, RV is close to RL, whereas HV is much higher than HL.
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