顾雨濛,李铁,魏义杰,赖哲渊,王斌.柴油喷雾蒸发仿真中KH-RT模型的数值试验研究[J].内燃机工程,2019,40(1):36-41. |
柴油喷雾蒸发仿真中KH-RT模型的数值试验研究 |
Numerical Study on KH-RT Model Constants in Simulation of Evaporating Diesel Spray |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2019.01.006 |
关键词:BBD 喷雾 Kelvin-Helmholtz & Rayleigh-Taylor(KH-RT) 破碎时间常数 |
Key Words:Box Behnken design(BBD) spray Kelvin-Helmholtz & Rayleigh-Taylor(KH-RT) breakup time constant |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(91541104,51776125) |
摘要点击次数: 5356 |
全文下载次数: 2565 |
摘要:在柴油喷雾蒸发混合过程仿真中,基于Box Behnken design(BBD)方法对KH-RT模型参数进行数值试验研究。采用高速阴影法对定容弹内环境温度900 K、密度15 kg/m3、喷射压力120 MPa条件下柴油喷雾蒸发混合过程进行记录。将喷束气液两相贯穿距的仿真计算结果与试验数据对比。根据相对误差,采用响应曲面法分析Kelvin-Helmholtz & Rayleigh-Taylor(KH-RT)模型的各参数在柴油喷雾蒸发混合发展中的影响。结果表明破碎时间常数是主要影响因素。进一步得出优化的模型参数组合,经验证明其具有良好的预测性。 |
Abstract:A numerical study based on the Box Behnken design(BBD) was made to analyze the Kelvin-Helmholtz & Rayleigh-Taylor(KH-RT) model constants in the simulation of evaporating diesel spray mixture. The mixing process of evaporating diesel spray was recorded by high-speed shadowgraph technique during fuel injection in a constant-volume vessel with the ambient temperature of 900 K, ambient density of 15 kg/m3 and injection pressure of 120 MPa. The simulated liquid- and vapor-phase penetrations were compared with the experimental results. According to the relative difference theory, the response surface method was adopted to evaluate the influence of each model constant on evaporating diesel spray mixture development. The results show that the breakup time constant plays a dominant role. Furthermore, an optimized combination of the KH-RT model constants was obtained and validated for predicting the evaporating diesel spray. |
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