Investigation on the Key Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Fuel Injection Rate Measurement by Zeuch Method
关键词:喷油速率  汽油机  Zeuch法  含气量  容器刚度
Key Words:injection rate  gasoline engine  Zeuch's method  air content  container stiffness
周庆哲,张玉银,齐文元 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院上海 200240 
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全文下载次数: 2060
Abstract:In order to improve the measurement accuracy of the injection rate of gasoline direct injection injectors, an injection rate measurement system was developed based on the principle of Zeuch method ;and a bench test and simulation calculation were performed on the stiffness of constant volume container, and air content in the measuring chamber that mainly affect the measurement accuracy. Results show that under the same injection conditions, the volumetric expansion of a low stiffness container is greater than that of a high stiffness container, so that the measured injection rate curve is relatively low, resulting in a decrease in measurement accuracy. When the air content in the measuring chamber is large, the increment of the pressure in the chamber decreases linearly, so that the amplitude of the pressure fluctuation increases and the freguency of the fluctuation decreases, resulting in a lower injection rate than the actual value coupled to the increase in fluctuation. Based on the research results, the revised and optimized fuel injection rate measurement system greatly improves the measurement accuracy and has high repeatability.
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