Extraction of Features of Diesel Engine Faults Under Transient Operations Based on Order Tracking and Variational Mode Decomposition
关键词:阶比跟踪  变分模态分解  瞬变工况  发动机  特征提取
Key Words:order tracking  variational mode decomposition(VMD)  transient operation  engine  feature extraction
任刚,贾继德,梅检民,贾翔宇,韩佳佳,尉蓝天 1.陆军军事交通学院 学员五大队天津 3001612.陆军军事交通学院 投送装备保障系天津 300161
3.武汉理工大学 汽车学院
武汉 430070 
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Abstract:A method based on the order tracking and variational mode decomposition(VMD) was proposed to solve the problem of non-smoothness of and big background noise in engine vibration signal. For the vibration signals of diesel engine crankshaft bearing fault and gasoline engine connecting rod bearing fault, a non-smooth signal in the time domain was converted into a pseudo smooth signal in the angular domain based on the order tracking. Then the converted signal was decomposed into several components with VMD, and the components that contain fault information were selected. The three dimensional spectral array of order, speed and power spectrum of the selected components was calculated, and the fault feature was extracted. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified by simulation and experiment.
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