The Effect of Two Stage Injection on Emission and Combustion of Partially Premixed Combustion of Neat n Butanol
关键词:正丁醇  部分预混燃烧  两次喷射  燃烧可控性  最大压力升高率
Key Words:n-butanol  partially premixed combustion  two stage injection  controllability  maximum pressure rise rate
陈鹏,郑尊清,马乃锋,杨彬,查海恩,尧命发 天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 300072 
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Abstract:An experimental investigation on the partially premixed combustion (PPC) of neat n-butanol by using the two-stage injection strategy has been conducted. The results indicate that compared to the gasoline PPC, the n-butanol PPC is more sensitive to the injection timing, and the stable operation scope is narrower due to the higher pressure rise rate (PRR), but the THC, NOx and soot emissions are lower. On the other hand, the two stage injection strategy can effectively reduce the PRR. As the interval between pilot injection and main injection increases, the PRR firstly reduces rapidly and then increase eventually. With the higher pilot injection ratio, the longer interval control method should be adopted to reduce the PRR. By using the optimized two stage injection strategy, the poor controllability can be significantly improved, which is beneficial to achieve the high efficient combustion on a broader operation scope.
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