Simulative Research of Impact of Piston Motion Law on Spark Ignition Hydraulic Free Piston Engine Combustion Process
关键词:压自由活塞发动机;火花点燃;活塞运动规律;爆震  热功转换
Key Words:hydraulic free piston engine(HFPE)  spark-ignition  piston motion law  knock  thermal power conversion
李冀辉,汪洋,徐帅卿,甄旭东,刘宇,胡耀辉 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 3000722.潍柴动力股份有限公司 发动机技术研究院潍坊 2610003.天津职业技术师范大学 汽车与交通学院天津 300222 
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Abstract:A 3-D CFD model of spark-ignition hydraulic free piston engine(HFPE) was built by the simulation software of Converge. The impact of different piston motion laws on HFPE combustion process, knock tendency and thermal power conversion efficiency was investigated to control knock. The simulation results show that the knocking process of spark-ignition HFPE begins at the end of mixture region near piston edge. It's developed by the swift expansion of several knocking cores, and has the same location and mechanism as a crank-connecting-rod type spark-ignition engine does. By reducing piston mass, which can speed up the piston movement in compression stoke and reduce the duration near top dead center, the effect of decreasing knock tendency and intensity is obvious. Taking the advantage of mass-reduced piston movement together with high compression ratio (14), the engine thermal power conversion efficiency can be promoted to some extent.
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