Performance and Emissions of a China Ⅴ Diesel Engine at Different Altitudes
关键词:柴油机  海拔  性能  排放
Key Words:diesel engine  altitude  performance  emissions
李国田,李腾腾,景晓军,李粟,王振宇,陈熊 中国汽车技术研究中心,天津 300300 
摘要点击次数: 2807
全文下载次数: 1755
Abstract:A diesel engine satisfying China Ⅴ was tested at the altitudes of 1700m, 2200m and 3000m with a removable engine test bench and on-board equipment. The results of the test without urea-SCR show that, with the increase of altitude, intake air decreases, combustion deteriorates, the highest combustion pressure decreases, fuel consumption and CO emission increase, and NOx emissions decreases; increased altitude has dual effects of raising combustion temperature and reducing oxygen content on engine emissions, of which the later has greater impact on emissions at high altitude. The results of the test with urea SCR show that NOx emissions still exceed China Ⅴ regulation limits, because the engine manufacturer reduces the amount of urea injection.
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