Influence of Intake Port Configuration on Combustion Process of Natural Gas Engine
关键词:天然气发动机  进气道结构  燃烧过程  数值模拟
Key Words:natural gas engine  intake port configuration  combustion process  numerical simulation
韩旭东,黄佐华,陈勤学,王琼,吴文龙,胡锋 1.一汽解放汽车有限公司 无锡柴油机厂,无锡 214026
2.西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院,西安 710049 
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摘要:利用AVL FIRE软件对不同结构的进气道方案进行瞬态模拟计算,分析了进气道结构对天然气发动机燃烧过程的影响规律。研究结果表明,湍动能的变化与涡流比的大小关系不大,主要受Z方向滚流比的影响;燃烧速率快慢与缸内平均湍动能高低并非一一对应关系,燃烧速率主要依赖于火花塞周围的湍动能分布情况。通过改进气道Ⅲ方案与气门座圈连接处的入射角度,缸内滚流与涡流运动均明显增强,且缸内湍动能分布显著改善,提升了化学反应速率与火焰传播速度,燃烧特性显著改善。两个试制进气道方案的台架试验结果表明,气道Ⅲ改进方案能够改善天然气发动机的经济性、可靠性与高速动力性。
Abstract:A transient simulation of different intake port configurations was carried out using AVL FIRE software, and their influences on the combustion process of a natural gas engine were investigated. The results show that the variation of turbulent kinetic energy has weak relationship with swirl ratio, and it is mainly affected by tumbling motion in Z direction. High average turbulent kinetic energy in cylinder does not signify fast combustion rate, and the combustion rate mainly depends on the turbulent kinetic energy distribution around the spark plug. With the optimized junction angle between the intake port and valve seat of the intake port scheme Ⅲ, the in-cylinder air motions of tumble and swirl are enhanced significantly, in addition the turbulent kinetic energy distribution is improved remarkably, resulting in the promotion of chemical reaction rate and flame propagation velocity. Furthermore the combustion characteristics are improved dramatically. Finally the bench tests were carried out with two different intake ports. The results show that the modified intake port scheme Ⅲ can improve the efficiency, reliability and high speed performance of a natural gas engine.
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