Thermo Gravimetric Analysis of Deposits in Inlet System and Combustion Chamber of a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine
关键词:汽油直喷发动机  沉积物  热重分析  润滑油
Key Words:GDI engine  deposit  thermo gravimetric analysis  lubricating oil
马志豪,朱宇东,陈占耀,贾义,马凡华 1.河南科技大学 车辆与交通工程学院洛阳 471003 2.清华大学 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室北京 100084 
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摘要:在一台汽油直喷(gasoline direct injection, GDI)发动机内分别采集了不同部位(节气门、进气歧管、进气歧管翻板、进气门杆、进气门、进气门阀座和活塞顶部等)的沉积物。利用热重分析仪对沉积物样品进行了研究,包括样品的挥发失重和氧化失重分析。为更加清楚地了解各组分的含量,将挥发失重分为易挥发失重、半挥发失重和难挥发失重3个阶段进行分析。结果表明:进气歧管、进气歧管翻板、进气门杆、进气门、进气门阀座处和活塞顶部的沉积物主要包含挥发性有机物、高分子组分、固体炭和灰分,而节气门沉积物中几乎未发现固体炭的存在;除了进气门和活塞顶部的沉积物,其他沉积物绝大部分为挥发性有机物,主要来源于润滑油;进气门和活塞顶部沉积物灰分含量较高,几乎占沉积物总质量的一半。研究表明:沉积物主要来源于发动机润滑油、燃烧室回流废气和空气中的悬浮颗粒,其中节气门受回流废气的影响较小。
Abstract:The deposits were collected from different parts of a gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine, such as electronic throttle body (ETB), inlet manifold and its flap, inlet valve, inlet valve seat, piston crown, etc. The collected samples were then analysed by thermogravimetric analyzer, including the volatilization weight loss analysis and oxidation weight loss analysis. In order to get a clearer of the content of each understanding component of the collected samples, the volatile weightlessness was divided into volatile weightlessness, semi-volatilization weightlessness, and non volatile weightlessness. The results show that all collected samples mainly contain volatile organic compounds, wacromolecule components, solid carbon and ash, while there is almost no solid carbon in the ETB deposit sample. Most of the deposits are volatile organic compounds mainly from engine lubricating oil, except the deposits of inlet valve and piston crown, which have a high ash content, accounting for almost half of the total deposit weight. In summary, the deposits collected from GDI engine mainly come from engine lubricating oil, combustion chamber back-flow exhaust gas and suspended particle in the atmosphere, where the throttle valve is less affected by the back-flow exhaust gas.
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