Experimental Study on Achieving Rapid Combustion with Multi Spark Ignition
关键词:液压自由活塞发动机  多火花塞点火  快速压缩〖CD*2〗膨胀机  快速可控燃烧
Key Words:hydraulic free piston engine  multi point ignition  rapid compression and expansion machine  rapid and controllable combustion
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(51176137,51476113); 国家青年基金项目(51406135) National Natural Science Foundation of China (51176137, 51476113); National Youth Fund (51406135)
李国田,汪洋,徐帅卿,肖欢,田相龙,李冀辉 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 300072 2.潍柴动力股份有限公司 发动机技术研究院潍坊 261000 
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全文下载次数: 2866
Abstract:On a multi spark ignition experimental platform retrofitted from a rapid compression and expansion machine, the influence of the number of spark plugs on indicated work, maximum combustion pressure, maximum pressure rise rate, heat release rate and knock characteristics was studied. The conclusions are as follows: when hydraulic pressure and mixed gas concentration are kept constant, the indicated work increases at first and then decreases with the advancement of the ignition phase from 5 to 35 mm before TDC. There is an optimum ignition time, and it is delayed accordingly as the number of spark plugs increases. The heat release rate, maximum combustion pressure, pressure rise rate and indicated work with multi spark ignition are significantly higher than those with single spark ignition, and their increase rates are not linear with the number of spark plugs; increased burning rate and indicated work are more obvious in thin mixed gas with more than one spark plug. Multi spark ignition is more inclined to cause knock at the same ignition phase with higher hydraulic pressure.
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