Development of Design Software for Engine Radiators
关键词:内燃机  管带式水散热器  校核计算  优化计算  软件
Key Words:IC engine  ribbon tubular radiator  performance calculation  optimization  software
赵萌,魏名山,乔静丽,张海艳,王登峰 1.北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京100081 2.北京航天发射技术研究所北京 100076 3.青岛汽车散热器有限公司青岛 266000 
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Abstract:In order to reduce investment in engine radiator design and to improve computing precision, a radiator design software was developed using the PowerBuilder. The software consists of performance calculation, as well as calculation for optimizing fin spacing, fin height, tube length and the number of tube rows. By comparison, the results of calculation and experiment were in good agreement. Then the effects of fin spacing, opening angle, wind speed and glycol content in coolant on the performance of a radiator were analyzed. The results indicate that the heat transfer performance of a radiator increase with the increment of the wind speed and with the decrement of the fin spacing; the air resistance reduces with the decrement of the opening angle; the coolant outlet temperature decreases with the increment of the glycol content.
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