Experimental Research on Effect of Fuel Injection Parameters on LTC Combustion Based on Two Stage Fuel Injection
关键词:内燃机  低温燃烧  两段喷射  触发喷射  排放
Key Words:IC engine  low temperature combustion  two stage injection  trigger injection  emissions
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51576129) National Natural Science Foundation of China (51576129)
娄林,宋晔,刘胜,石磊,杨震寰,邓康耀 1.上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室上海 200240 2.泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司上海 2012013.中国北方发动机研究所,大同 370360 
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摘要:基于两段燃油喷射,利用主喷射产生均质混合气,并利用触发喷射来引燃,实现了低温燃烧(low temperature combustion, LTC)。针对两段燃油喷射LTC燃烧模式,研究了主喷射和触发喷射的喷油量比例及主喷射提前角对LTC燃烧的影响。试验结果表明:触发喷射可以有效地控制LTC的燃烧相位,并可以有效拓宽主喷射提前角范围。主喷射提前角对LTC燃烧有很大影响,喷射过早会导致过多的燃油附壁,且缸内的温度压力较低不利于混合气形成;喷射过迟会导致主喷射与触发喷射间隔太小,主喷燃油没有足够的时间形成均质混合气,排放增加。针对不同的喷油比例优化主喷提前角可以实现燃烧相位的有效控制,并能够降低排放。
Abstract:Low temperature combustion (LTC) based on two stage injection was achieved by using main injection to generate homogeneous charge and trigger injection to ignite. The effect of main to trigger injection ratio and the start of main injection (SOMI) on the LTC was studied. The result shows that the trigger injection can control the start of combustion and make the LTC more stable. Using the trigger injection can effectively broaden the range of the SOMI. The SOMI is quite important for the LTC. Main injection timing too early or too late will deteriorate the performance of the LTC, resulting in high emissions. Optimizing the SOMI for different main to trigger injection ratios can control the process of combustion and emissions.
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