Study on the Combustion Performance of a Free Piston Linear Generator
关键词:内燃机  自由活塞式直线发电机  缸内压力  缸内温度  NOx排放
Key Words:IC engine  free piston linear generator  in-cylinder pressure  in-cylinder temperature  NOxemissions
曾德全,郭帅,张驰,赵飞,孙鹏,毛莲莲 1.上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院,上海 2000722.中国科学院 宁波材料技术与工程研究所,宁波 315201 
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摘要:对一台二冲程汽油自由活塞式内燃直线发电机(FPLG)的活塞动态特性、缸内压强、缸内温度和NOx排放进行了数值分析。针对FPLG特点,具体分析了其NOx污染物的来源及形成机理。借助于数值分析软件Matlab/Simulink,计算并分析了点火提前时间和燃烧持续时间对FPLG缸内压力、缸内温度和NOx排放的作用。计算结果表明:点火时刻在上止点前171°~126°而燃烧持续时间为36°~108°曲轴转角(点火提前时间相对上止点前为0~6ms,燃烧持续时间在4~12 ms)时,增大提前点火时间和缩短燃烧持续时间都会使缸内的压力和温度上升,相应的NOx的排放量也会急剧增大。
Abstract:A numerical simulation was conducted for the piston dynamic characteristics, cylinder pressure and temperature as well as NOx emissions of a two-stroke gasoline free piston linear generator (FPLG). The source and formation mechanism of NOx emissions were analyzed based on the characteristics of the FPLG. The influence of spark ignition timing and combustion duration on cylinder pressure and temperature as well as NOx emissions was calculated and analyzed by using Matlab/Simulink. Results show that when the ignition timing is 9°~54° before TDC, with a combustion duration of 36°~108° (when sparking time before reaching top dead center is 0 ms~6 ms and combustion duration is 4 ms~ 12 ms), increasing the ignition timing and reducing the combustion duration can increase the cylinder pressure and temperature, with a rapid increase in NOxemissions.
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