Research on DPF Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Orthogonal Least Squares Model Fitting
关键词:内燃机  柴油机颗粒过滤器  正交最小二乘  模型拟合  错误系数向量  故障区域
Key Words:IC engine  diesel particulate filter  orthogonal least squares  model fitting  error coefficient vector  fault area
张卫锋,伍恒,姚广涛,张凯凯,资新运 1.军事交通学院 军用车辆系天津 3001612.工程兵学院 工程装备修理教研室徐州 221004 
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全文下载次数: 1858
Abstract:According to the diesel particulate filter(DPF) fault type of blockage and leakage, exhaust resistance test and engine bench test were carried out to get the major fault characteristic parameters including exhaust gas flow, exhaust temperature and exhaust pressure. By comparing with the traditional pressure drop model, an orthogonal least squares method was applied to the DPF fault diagnosis, which allowed to form a DPF fault diagnosis method based on the orthogonal least squares model fitting and to use the collected major fault characteristic parameters to verify the feasibility of the method. By defining an error coefficient vector, the different fault areas formed from different DPF fault types in the generalized failure space were analyzed to provide a theoretical basis for the development of DPF fault diagnosis technology. The degree and type of failure, such as blockage and leakage, can be judged by analyzing the error coefficient vector. On the basis of this feature, the DPF diagnostics strategy can be established.
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