Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of Methanol-Gasoline Blend Fuel in Intermediate-Scale Internal Combustion Engines
关键词:中介尺度内燃机  甲醇  汽油  燃烧特性
Key Words:medium-scale internal combustion engine  methanol  gasoline  combustion characteristic
张超 山西警察学院 交通管理系太原 030401 zhangc6800@163.com 
许愿 长安大学 能源与电气工程学院西安 710064 645534975@qq.com 
郑子康 长安大学 能源与电气工程学院西安 710064 zhengzikang1005@163.com 
李阳阳* 长安大学 能源与电气工程学院西安 710064
陕西省交通新能源开发、应用与汽车节能重点实验室西安 710064 
摘要点击次数: 382
全文下载次数: 89
Abstract:To investigate the influence of different air-fuel mixture concentrations and methanol-gasoline blending ratios on the combustion characteristics of an intermediate-scale internal combustion engine, a combustion test bench was constructed using the Tuoyang FS-S100AC four-stroke reciprocating piston micro single-cylinder engine as the research object. Parameters such as misfire rate, average peak cylinder pressure, peak cylinder pressure cycle variation, and combustion duration were used to reflect combustion quality. Pure gasoline was denoted as M100 and pure methanol was denoted as G100. The results show that at high speeds, the misfire rate of the intermediate-scale engine is zero. Misfire phenomena occurs at lower speeds, and both λ and blending ratio have an impact on the misfire rate. The average peak cylinder pressure decreases with increasing air-fuel mixture concentration, with the maximum value observed at λ=1.2. When λ is constant, there is a trend of higher values at both ends and lower values in the middle, with M100 higher than G100. When the fuel blending ratio and λ are constant, the average peak cylinder pressure increases with increasing rotational speed. When λ and the rotational speed are constant, the variation of peak cylinder pressure cycle decreases with decreasing methanol blending ratio. And the higher the air-fuel mixture concentration, the greater the variation of peak cylinder pressure cycle. When the blending ratio and excess air coefficient are constant, the variation of peak cylinder pressure cycle decreases with the increase of the rotational speed. When λ is constant, the combustion duration of the intermediate-scale engine increases with the decrease of methanol blending ratio, and the combustion duration for G100 combustion is the longest. The combustion duration of the five fuels decreases with the increase of homogenous air-fuel mixture concentration, with the shortest duration observed at λ=0.8. When the fuel and homogenous air-fuel mixture concentration is constant, the combustion duration decreases with the increase of the rotational speed.
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