尹黛霖,岳志刚,孙国阳,等.冷热起动模式和后处理对轻型车实际行驶细颗粒物排放的影响[J].内燃机工程,2024,45(6):104-108. |
冷热起动模式和后处理对轻型车实际行驶细颗粒物排放的影响 |
Effects of Hot and Cold Start Modes and Post-Processing on Fine Particulate Matter Emissions from Real Drive of Light-Duty Vehicles |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2024.06.012 |
关键词:细颗粒物 实际行驶污染物排放 冷起动 热起动 汽油机颗粒捕集器 |
Key Words:fine particulate matter real drive emission cold start hot start gasoline particulate filter(GPF) |
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摘要点击次数: 354 |
全文下载次数: 80 |
摘要:采用实际行驶污染物排放测试的方法,对两辆国六轻型汽油车的细颗粒物排放进行研究,重点分析冷、热起动两种模式和汽油机颗粒捕集器(gasoline particulate filter, GPF)对细颗粒物的影响。结果表明,PN10主要产生于冷起动阶段,且排放峰值易出现在急加速和急减速工况,最高排放峰值为8.10×1011个/s。带GPF车辆的PN23和PN10在各速度段的占比分布差异较大,总行程的PN10数量较PN23增长30.9%,增长率为不配备GPF车辆的3倍左右。低温下的细颗粒物排放较常温大幅上升,且带有GPF车的增长幅度明显高于未配备GPF的车辆。研究表明,冷起动阶段的细颗粒排放控制是未来监管的重点。 |
Abstract:The fine particulate matter emissions of two China Ⅵ light-duty gasoline vehicles were investigated by using real drive emission tests, focused on analyzing the effects of the two modes of cold and hot start and the gasoline particulate filter(GPF) on fine particulate matter. The results show that PN10 is mainly generated in the cold start, and the emission peak is prone to occurring in the rapid acceleration and deceleration conditions, with the highest emission peak of 8.10×1011 #/s.The distribution of the percentage of PN23 and PN10 in the speed bands of the vehicles with GPF is widely different, and the number of PN10 in the total trip is increased by 30.9% compared with that of PN23. The growth rate is about three times those of vehicles without GPF. Fine particulate matter emissions at low temperatures increases significantly compared to ambient temperatures, and the increase is significantly higher for vehicles with GPF than for vehicles without GPF. It is found that the control of fine particulate matter emissions during the cold start phase is a priority for future regulation. |
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