Study on the Influences of Carrier Structures on Diesel Particulate Filter Performance Characteristics Based on Orthogonal Experimental Design
关键词:柴油机颗粒捕集器  正交试验设计  多项式逼近算法  压降  捕集效率
Key Words:diesel particulate filter(DPF)  orthogonal experimental design
包广元 西南林业大学 机械与交通学院昆明 650224
云南省高校高原山区机动车环保与安全重点实验室昆明 650224 
何超* 西南林业大学 机械与交通学院昆明 650224
云南省高校高原山区机动车环保与安全重点实验室昆明 650224 
李加强 西南林业大学 机械与交通学院昆明 650224
云南省高校高原山区机动车环保与安全重点实验室昆明 650224 
肖应学 西南林业大学 机械与交通学院昆明 650224
云南省高校高原山区机动车环保与安全重点实验室昆明 650224 
字天曦 西南林业大学 机械与交通学院昆明 650224
云南省高校高原山区机动车环保与安全重点实验室昆明 650224 
黄立闩 西南林业大学 机械与交通学院昆明 650224
云南省高校高原山区机动车环保与安全重点实验室昆明 650224 
摘要点击次数: 457
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摘要:为降低柴油机颗粒捕集器(diesel particulate filter, DPF)的压降并提高捕集效率,建立了DPF压降与捕集效率的数学模型,基于试验设计和多项式逼近算法,系统地研究了载体配比(x1)、壁厚(x2)及载体孔密度对DPF性能的影响。结果表明:载体配比和壁厚对压降与捕集效率影响效果显著,当载体配比和壁厚分别处于(1.40,1.53)和(0.249,0.267) mm区间时,DPF压降处于较低水平,而捕集效率相对较高,在载体配比为1.52、壁厚为0.264 mm时,压降达到最小值为4.2 kPa,捕集效率为90.28%。通过多项式逼近算法得到了压降模型和捕集效率模型的显示表达式:压降模型;捕集效率模型。DPF压降和捕集效率模型具有良好的预测精度和拟合度,压降和捕集效率的均方根误差分别为0.011 0、0.000 2,压降和捕集效率拟合优度分别为0.999 6、0.998 5。
Abstract:A mathematical model for diesel particulate filter(DPF) pressure drop and capture efficiency was developed in order to lower the pressure drop and improve the capture efficiency of DPF. The impacts of carrier ratio (x1), wall thickness (x2) and cell density on DPF performance were methodically examined using an experimental methodology and polynomial approximation algorithm. The results show that pressure drop and capture efficiency are highly influenced by carrier ratio and wall thickness. The DPF pressure drop is relatively low and the capture efficiency is relatively good when the carrier ratio and wall thickness are within the ranges of (1.40,1.53) and (0.249,0.267) mm, respectively. At a carrier ratio of 1.52 and a wall thickness of 0.264 mm, the pressure drop reaches a minimum of 4.2 kPa, with a capture efficiency of 90.28%. The polynomial approximation algorithm yielded explicit expressions for the pressure drop model and capture efficiency model:pressure drop model , capture efficiency model . With coefficients of determination of 0.999 6 and 0.998 5, respectively, and root mean square errors of 0.011 0 and 0.000 2, respectively, the DPF pressure drop and capture efficiency models show good predictive accuracy and goodness of fit.
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