Profile Optimization Design and Sealing Performance Research of Cylinder Holes Based on Pre-compensation
关键词:柴油机  缸套变形  预补偿  方案设计  性能
Key Words:diesel engine  cylinder liner deformation  pre-compensation  scheme design  performance
毕玉华 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 13317019@kust.edu.cn 
谢巧巧 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 2957743270@qq.com 
祖菘 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 14813204972@qq.com 
张国强 昆明云内动力股份有限公司昆明 650217 497563236@qq.com 
张思泽* 云南云内动力机械制造有限公司昆明 651700 893036109@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 787
全文下载次数: 624
摘要:以某非道路高压共轨柴油机为研究对象,建立了螺栓–缸盖–缸垫–缸套–机体装配耦合模型,采用仿真分析与测试相结合的方式研究了工作状态下的缸套热机耦合失圆变形。基于缸套变形结果设计了锥形、瓶颈形、纺锤形、椭圆形、椭圆纺锤复合形5种具有不同型线特征的异形缸套预补偿方案,研究了不同异形缸套的热机耦合变形量、傅里叶变形幅值及其密封与摩擦性能。研究结果表明,在第三缸的101.8 mm截面处,椭圆形方案的最大径向变形量比原机缸套减小了15.42%;椭圆形缸套的窜气量与原机缸套相比减小了1.34%,其他方案的窜气量均比原机缸套大;与原机缸套相比,纺锤形缸套和椭圆纺锤复合形缸套的机油消耗量减小了21.36%。
Abstract:Taking a non-road high-pressure common rail diesel engine as the research object, a bolt–cylinder head–cylinder gasket–cylinder liner–block assembly coupling model was established. The thermal-mechanical coupling out-of-round deformation of cylinder liner under working conditions was studied by combining simulation analysis and test. Based on the deformation results of the cylinder liner, 5 kinds of special-shaped cylinder liner pre-compensation schemes (conical, bottleneck, spindle, elliptical, elliptical spindle composite) with different profile characteristics were designed. The thermo-mechanical coupling deformation, Fourier deformation amplitude, sealing and friction performance of different special-shaped cylinder liners were studied. The results show that at the 101.8 mm section of the third cylinder, the maximum radial deformation of the ellipse scheme is reduced by 15.42% compared with the original cylinder liner. The blow-by quantity of the elliptical cylinder liner is decreased by 1.34% compared to the original engine cylinder liner, while the blow-by quantity of other schemes is greater than that of the original engine cylinder liner. Compared to the original engine cylinder liner, the oil consumption of the spindle-shaped cylinder liner and the elliptical spindle compound-shaped cylinder liner is decreased by 21.36%.
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