Research on Engine Working Strategy Optimization of Extended Range Power System
关键词:增程器  线工况  点工况  公里油耗  性能优化
Key Words:range extender  line operating condition  point operating condition  fuel consumption per kilometer  performance optimization
陈泓 广州汽车集团股份有限公司汽车工程研究院广州 511434 chenhong@gacrnd.com 
江枭枭* 广州汽车集团股份有限公司汽车工程研究院广州 511434 jiangxiaoxiao@gacrnd.com 
曲婧瑶 中国汽车工程学会北京 102607 qjy@sae-china.com 
祁宏钟 广州汽车集团股份有限公司汽车工程研究院广州 511434 qihongzhong@gacrnd.com 
占文锋 广州汽车集团股份有限公司汽车工程研究院广州 511434 zhanwenfeng@gacrnd.com 
李钰怀 广州汽车集团股份有限公司汽车工程研究院广州 511434 liyuhuai@gacrnd.com 
杜家坤 广州汽车集团股份有限公司汽车工程研究院广州 511434 dujiakun@gacrnd.com 
摘要点击次数: 887
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摘要:为进一步明晰自由度高的增程器系统中发动机运行策略对增程式电动汽车经济性的影响,明确发动机性能优化对整车性能提升的潜力,基于GT-SUITE仿真平台,结合能量流详细分析了发动机线工况和点工况运行策略对整车经济性的影响,并对比分析了发动机性能优化前后的整车性能。结果表明,发动机以点工况运行得到的整车基于中国轻型汽车行驶工况(China light vehicle test cycle, CLTC)油耗更优,相比于线工况下整车CLTC油耗,基于点工况整车CLTC油耗可降低至0.038 24 L/km。以增程器系统最优效率点作为发动机工作点的策略相对单一,不利于整车油耗的改善,相比于最佳值恶化0.81%。性能优化后的发动机在高效区可实现更大的功率输出,整车CLTC油耗均得到改善,最佳值从0.038 24 L/km降低至0.036 64 L/km。
Abstract:In order to further clarify the effects of the high flexibility of the engine operation strategy on the economic efficiency of range extender electric vehicles, and to clarify the potential enhancement in overall vehicle performance resulting from the optimization of the engine performance,based on the GT-SUITE simulation platform, a detailed energy flow analysis of different engine working strategies was provided in the study, including line operating conditions and point operating conditions on vehicle economy. A comparative analysis was undertaken to assess the overall vehicle performance before and after optimizing the engine combustion system. The results show that the vehicle fuel consumption per kilometer is optimal when the engine operates under point operating conditions,based on the China light vehicle test cycle (CLTC). In comparison to the fuel consumption observed under line operating conditions, the consumption can be reduced to 0.038 24 L/km based on point operating conditions. However, the adoption of the strategy of operating the engine at the optimal efficiency point of the range extender system is relatively singular, hindering improvements in vehicle fuel economy and resulting in a degradation of 0.81% compared to the optimal value. Following the optimization of engine performance, greater power output of the engine is achieved in the efficient operating region, leading to an overall improvement in the vehicle fuel efficiency. The optimal fuel consumption is reduced from 0.038 24 L/km to 0.036 64 L/km.
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