毕玉华,张凯,黄粉莲,等.国六柴油机轨压和喷油正时对柴油机性能的影响[J].内燃机工程,2024,45(3):59-69. |
国六柴油机轨压和喷油正时对柴油机性能的影响 |
The Influence of Rail Pressure and Injection Timing on the Performance of a China VI Diesel Engine |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2024.03.007 |
关键词:柴油机 负荷特性 轨压 喷油正时 温度 |
Key Words:diesel engine load characteristic rail pressure injection timing temperature |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(52066008);云南省科技厅重大科技专项项目(202102AB080007);云南省重点研发计划专项项目(202103AA080002) |
摘要点击次数: 739 |
全文下载次数: 590 |
摘要:为优化柴油机性能,基于一台配备了完整国Ⅵ后处理系统的高压共轨直列4缸柴油机,开展了柴油机负荷特性研究,在此基础上研究轨压和喷油正时对柴油机性能的影响。研究结果表明:以适当较小的轨压配合较为提前的喷油正时可以达到较为理想的柴油机油耗及排放;轨压和喷油正时对HC排放的影响较小;轨压对柴油机油耗、排温、NOx排放、CO排放的影响较大,且在中等偏高负荷时更为敏感,随着轨压增加了57 MPa,柴油机油耗、排温分别下降了16.1 g/(kW·h)、63 ℃,NOx排放上升了663×10-6,CO排放下降了785×10-6;喷油正时对烟度及柴油机氧化催化器前端温度T4、柴油机颗粒捕集器前端温度T5、选择性催化还原系统前端温度T6的影响较大,且在低负荷时更为敏感。随着喷油正时提前6.0°,烟度下降了0.43%,T4、T5、T6峰值出现在轨压为76 MPa且喷油正时为上止点前7.5°时,温度分别为315.3、338.4、329.3 ℃。 |
Abstract:To optimize the performance of diesel engine, based on a high-pressure common rail inline four-cylinder diesel engine equipped with a complete China Ⅵ aftertreatment system, the load characteristics of the diesel engine were studied. On this basis, the effects of rail pressure and injection timing on the performance of the diesel engine were studied. The results show that the ideal fuel consumption and emission of diesel engine can be achieved by appropriately smaller rail pressure and earlier injection timing. Rail pressure and injection timing have little effect on HC emissions. Rail pressure has a great influence on fuel consumption, exhaust temperature, NOx emission and CO emission of diesel engine, and it is more sensitive at medium and large loads. With the rail pressure increased by 57 MPa, fuel consumption and exhaust temperature of diesel engine decrease by 16.1 g/(kW·h) and 63 ℃ respectively, NOx emission increases by 663×10-6 and CO emission decreases by 785×10-6. The injection timing has a great influence on the smoke level and diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) front-end temperature T4, diesel particulate filters (DPF) front-end temperature T5 and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) front-end temperature T6, and is more sensitive at low loads. With the injection timing advanced by 6.0°, the smoke level decreased by 0.43%. T4, T5 and T6 peaks occur at a rail pressure of 76 MPa and an injection timing of 7.5° before top dead center, with temperatures of 315.3, 338.4 and 329.3 ℃ respectively. |
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