Aerodynamic Optimization of a High-Load Axial Cooling Fan for an Air-Cooled Diesel Engine
关键词:风冷柴油机  冷却风扇  气动优化  全局敏感性分析  流动机理
Key Words:air-cooled diesel engine  cooling fan  aerodynamic optimization  global sensitivity analysis  flow mechanism
任贵峰 天津大学 机械工程学院天津 300350
中国北方发动机研究所天津 300400 
王睿 天津大学 机械工程学院天津 300350 634094748@qq.com 
刘正先 天津大学 机械工程学院天津 300350 zxliu@tju.edu.cn 
李孝检* 天津大学 机械工程学院天津 300350 lixiaojian@tju.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 481
全文下载次数: 365
Abstract:For a cooling fan with negative prewhirl front stator of an air-cooled diesel engine, by considering the coupling effect of the stator and the rotor, the multi-objective aerodynamic optimization of the cooling fan was implemented based on the polynomial surrogate model and the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm Ⅱ. The optimized efficiency and total pressure increased by 1.19% and 4.78% respectively under the near-stall condition, and increased by 0.29% and 3.16% respectively under the design condition. The key design variables were identified by Sobol’s global sensitivity analysis method, and the flow mechanisms for improving the aerodynamic performances of the fan were obtained by combining the changes of the flow fields before and after optimization. The decrease of the hub blade angle of the stator and the increase of the hub blade angle of the rotor jointly reduce the angle of attack of the rotor inlet, thereby increasing the isentropic efficiency of the fan, and making up for the total pressure reduction caused by the decrease of Euler work. The tip blade angle of the rotor is reduced, which weakens the imbalance between the hub and the tip regions, and compensates for the loss of total pressure.
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