Experimental Study on Emission Characteristics of Diesel/Polymethoxy Dimethyl Ether Mixed Fuel Matched Catalytic Diesel Particulate Filter
关键词:催化型颗粒物捕集器  柴油  聚甲氧基二甲醚  颗粒物  过滤效率
Key Words:catalytic diesel particulate filter(CDPF)  diesel  polymethoxydimethyl ether(PODE)  particulate matter  filtration efficiency
基金项目:陕西省创新能力支撑计划项目(2021TD-28, 2022KXJ-144);陕西省重点研发计划项目(2019ZDLGY15-07);陕西高校青年创新团队项目
张文博 陕西省交通新能源开发、应用与汽车节能重点实验室西安 710018
陕西重型汽车有限公司 汽车工程研究院西安 710200 
高楠* 陕西省交通新能源开发、应用与汽车节能重点实验室西安 710018 gaonan@chd.edu.cn 
陈昊 陕西省交通新能源开发、应用与汽车节能重点实验室西安 710018
长安大学 陕西省甲醇燃料技术装备创新中心西安 710018 
赵伟 陕西省交通新能源开发、应用与汽车节能重点实验室西安 710018
长安大学 陕西省甲醇燃料技术装备创新中心西安 710018 
苏欣 陕西省交通新能源开发、应用与汽车节能重点实验室西安 710018
长安大学 陕西省甲醇燃料技术装备创新中心西安 710018 
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摘要:使用柴油和聚甲氧基二甲醚(polymethoxy dimethyl ether, PODE)混合燃料进行了柴油机催化型颗粒物捕集器(catalytic diesel particulate filter, CDPF)的排放特性试验,研究分析了添加PODE对CDPF的过滤效率及CDPF前后端NOx、CO2和颗粒物排放变化的影响。结果表明:加入PODE提高了CDPF对颗粒物的过滤效率,使用90%体积分数的柴油与10%体积分数的PODE掺混(D90P10)可使CDPF的平均过滤效率提高3.6%。CDPF对核态颗粒物的过滤效率低于86.39%,CDPF对聚集态颗粒物的过滤效率高于91.32%,CDPF对核态的过滤效率低于聚集态。CDPF对不同粒径颗粒物的过滤效率不同,且随颗粒物粒径的增加而增加。两种燃料下,通过CDPF后的颗粒物的几何平均直径(geometric mean diameter, GMD)均减小,NOx排放降低,CO2排放增加。
Abstract:Emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueling diesel/polymethoxy dimethyl ether (PODE) blends was investigated before and after a catalytic diesel particulate filter (CDPF). CDPF filtration efficiency and the effect of PODE addition on the changes in NOx, CO2, and particulate emissions at the front and rear ends of the CDPF were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that the addition of PODE improved the filtration efficiency of CDPF for particulate matter, and the average filtration efficiency of CDPF increased by 3.6% when D90P10 (90% diesel+10% PODE by volume) was used. CDPF filtration efficiency for the nucleation mode was lower than 86.39%, and that for the accumulation mode was higher than 91.32%, and that for the nucleation mode was lower than that for the accumulation mode. CDPF filtration efficiencies for particulate matter of different particle sizes are different and increase with the increase of particle sizes. For both fuels, the geometric mean diameter (GMD) of the particulate matter after passing through the CDPF and the NOx emissions decreas, and CO2 emissions increase.
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