Influences of Fuel Injection Strategies on the Starting Performance of A Diesel Engine at High Altitudes
关键词:柴油机  高海拔  起动  轨压  循环喷油量
Key Words:diesel engine  high altitude  start  rail pressure  cycle fuel injectionquantity
卢康博* 上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点试验室上海 200240 1273934411@qq.com 
任正敏 上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点试验室上海 200240 120020910131@sjtu.edu.cn 
杨凯 上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点试验室上海 200240 ykai0327@163.com 
孙滔 上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点试验室上海 200240 suntao2021@163.com 
石磊* 上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点试验室上海 200240 shi_lei@sjtu.edu.cn 
邓康耀 上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点试验室上海 200240 dengk1y@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 1354
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摘要:基于高原环境模拟装置,以单缸柴油机为试验对象,进行了0~4 000 m海拔起动性能试验,研究了喷油策略对柴油机变海拔起动性能的影响。结果表明,海拔从0增至4 000 m的过程中,起动升速期和过渡期时间分别延长14.2%、15.8%。平原工况下,随着轨压的提高,过渡期先增加后降低,但升速期逐渐降低,起动总时间缩短。海拔4 000 m时,过渡期与升速期均随轨压先增加后降低。在平原工况下,采用阶梯型喷油策略能够有效缩短过渡期,减少起动时间, 起动时间较原机策略缩短6.1%,提高过渡转速能够抑制转速上冲,缩短起动时间。当海拔为4 000 m时,增加初始阶段循环喷油量及过渡转速均能缩短过渡时间,改善起动性能。
Abstract:An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effect of fuel injection strategy on the performance of diesel engines during starting process at different altitudes. The tests were carried out on a single diesel engine with a plateau simulator to stimulate altitudes from 0 to 4 000 m. The result shows that as the altitude increases from 0 to 4 000 m, the transition time and speed-up time of the diesel engine in starting process are prolonged by 14.2% and 15.8%, respectively. Under plain conditions, with the increase of rail pressure, the transition time decreases, and the total starting time shortens. At the altitude of 4 000 m, the transition time and speed-up time both increase first and then decrease with the rail pressure. The fuel injection quantity change with the speed step can reduce the speed transition time and increase the speed-up time during starting process under plain conditions, and the total time is 6.1% shorter than that under the original engine working condition. Increasing the transition speed can inhibit the speed upsurge and shorten the start time. At the altitude of 4 000 m, increasing the initial stage of cycle fuel injection quantity and transition speed can significantly improve the starting performance.
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