Effects of Exhaust Oxygen Concentrations on Active Regeneration Characteristics of A Diesel Particulate Filter(DPF)
关键词:柴油机颗粒捕集器  主动再生  排气氧浓度  温度梯度  再生时间  再生燃油消耗
Key Words:diesel particulate filter(DPF)  active regeneration  exhaust oxygen concentration  temperature gradient  regeneration time  regenerative fuel consumption
马玉亭* 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 18896655926@qq.com 
万明定* 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 915389147@qq.com 
杨仕臣 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 1051550445@qq.com 
申立中 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 lzshen@foxmail.com 
摘要点击次数: 962
全文下载次数: 865
摘要:采用进气节流降低排气氧浓度的方式,试验研究了柴油机氧化催化器(diesel oxidation catalyst, DOC)入口氧浓度对柴油机颗粒捕集器(diesel particulate filter, DPF)主动再生时的入口温升特性、载体峰值温度、有效再生时间和再生过程燃油消耗的影响。结果表明:随着排气氧浓度降低,DPF温升速率增大,入口温度上升时间缩短;在所有氧浓度下,载体峰值温度均出现在DPF轴线后端位置。随着氧浓度降低,载体峰值温度先增后减,最大径向温度梯度先减后增,有效再生时间先缩短后延长,再生过程燃油消耗先减后增。在恒定DPF碳烟负载量和再生温度的前提下,当排气氧体积分数为11.0%时DPF主动再生时间最短,再生过程燃油消耗最少。
Abstract:An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effect of oxygen concentrations at the inlet of a diesel oxidation catalyst(DOC) on the active regeneration characteristics of a diesel particulate filter(DPF) by using intake throttle to reduce exhaust oxygen concentration. The DPF inlet temperature rising characteristics, peak temperature of DPF carrier, effective regeneration time and fuel consumption during regeneration were analyzed. The results show that with the decrease of oxygen concentration, the rising rate of DPF inlet temperature increases and the rising time of regeneration temperature decreases. The peak temperature of DPF carrier usually occurs at rear the center of DPF under different exhaust oxygen concentrations. With the decrease of oxygen concentration, the peak temperature of carrier increases first and then decreases, and the maximum radial temperature gradient decreases first and then increases. The effective regeneration time is shorten first and then extended. The fuel consumption during regeneration process reduces first and then increases. Under the premise of constant DPF loading and regeneration temperature, the shortest DPF active regeneration time and the lowest fuel consumption during regeneration occurs when the exhaust oxygen volume fraction is 11.0%.
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