Study on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Heavy Fuel Oil Particulate Matter Emissions of A Large Power Low-Speed Marine Engine
关键词:大型船舶  低速机  颗粒  重油  微观形态  元素组成
Key Words:large ship  low-speed diesel engine  particulate  heavy fuel oil(HFO)  microscopic morphology  elemental composition
吴刚* 上海海事大学 商船学院上海 201306 wugang@shmtu.edu.cn 
李姣秀* 上海海事大学 商船学院上海 201306 lijiaoxiu1688@163.com 
马千里 上海海事大学 商船学院上海 201306 1291649004@qq.com 
陈晓东 中国极地研究中心上海 201209 chenxiaodong@pric.org.cn 
摘要点击次数: 999
全文下载次数: 770
摘要:为了深入探究大功率低速机重油(heavy fuel oil, HFO)的颗粒物排放的理化特性,通过扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscopy, SEM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy, FTIR)和能量色散X射线光谱(energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDS)对低速机重油颗粒的微观形态、表面官能团及表面元素等理化学特性进行分析,并与车用高速机的柴油颗粒特性进行对比。结果表明,大功率船用低速机重油颗粒中,发现了不同于车用柴油颗粒的团聚态的单独大尺寸球形颗粒形态,尺寸约3 μm。重油颗粒表面吸附的元素除大量C、O元素外,还发现一定量的Si、Ca、Cu、Al、Na、Zn、Ba、Cl、K、S等其他元素。这些元素与燃料本身及气缸润滑有关,使重油颗粒具有更高的毒性。在重油颗粒中,没有明显发现1 750 cm-1~1 630 cm-1谱范围内的C=O键。
Abstract:In order to clarify the physicochemical characteristics of the particulate matter emissions of heavy fuel oil(HFO) of a large power low-speed engine, the microscopic morphology, surface functional groups and surface elements of HFO particles were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS), and were compared with the diesel particulate matter characteristics of high-speed engines in vehicles. The results showed that the HFO particles of the large-power low-speed marine engine were in the agglomerated state with individual large spherical particles of about 3 μm diameter, which were found to be different from those of automotive diesel particles. In addition to a large number of C and O elements adsorbed on the surface of HFO particles, a certain amount of Si, Ca, Cu, Al, Na, Zn, Ba, Cl, K, S and other elements were also found. These elements are related to the fuel itself and the cylinder lubrication, so the heavy fuel oil particles have higher toxicity. No obvious C=O in the spectral range of 1 750 cm-1~1 630 cm-1 was found in the HFO particles.
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