Research on the Lubrication Characteristics of Piston Pin–Bushings in Reciprocating Engines
关键词:往复式发动机  活塞销–衬套  摩擦学  动力学  润滑
Key Words:reciprocating engine  piston pin–bushing  tribology  dynamics  lubrication
孙思聪* 武汉理工大学 船海与能源动力工程学院武汉 430063 1059433767@qq.com 
杨欣* 上海船用柴油机研究所上海 200090 13611633711@163.com 
周建明 上海船用柴油机研究所上海 200090 zhoujianming@micropowers.com 
蔡勇 上海船用柴油机研究所上海 200090 caiyong@micropowers.com 
杨建国 武汉理工大学 船海与能源动力工程学院武汉 430063
船舶动力工程交通行业重点实验室武汉 430063 
摘要点击次数: 1422
全文下载次数: 990
Abstract:To address the problem of lubrication mechanism inconsistency between the test rig and the piston pin–bushing, a dynamical model coupling tribological characteristics with a novel engine piston pin–bushing test rig was established, and the effects of the different clearances and the roughness on the lubrication performance based on the experimentally validated model was comparatively analyzed. The results showed that increasing the piston pin–bushing clearance within a moderate range increases the overall percentage of hydrodynamic lubrication, thins the local minimum oil film thickness, increases the frictional power consumption generated by hydrodynamic lubrication, and decreases the frictional power consumption generated by asperity contact. As the roughness of the piston–pin bushing surface increases, the asperity contact ratio also increases, the minimum film thickness does not change much, but the average film thickness increase a lot. The average film thickness ratio also slightly increases, but the minimum film thickness ratio decreases. The frictional power consumption of hydrodynamic lubrication slightly decreases, and the frictional power consumption of asperity contact increases significantly.
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