Effects of Fuel Properties and Coolant Temperature on Cycle Variation of A Diesel Engine
关键词:燃料属性  冷却液温度  循环波动  柴油机
Key Words:fuel property  coolant temperature  cycle variation  diesel engine
谭贵荣* 广西玉柴机器股份有限公司玉林 537000 tangr@yuchai.cn 
赵增亮* 广西玉柴机器股份有限公司玉林 537000 yczhaozl@163.com 
潘明章 广西大学 机械工程学院南宁 545003 pmz@gxu.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1071
全文下载次数: 885
摘要:基于一台可满足国六b排放标准的11 L重型柴油机,采用纯柴油、体积比85%柴油+15%正丁醇和体积比70%柴油+30%正丁醇燃料研究了燃料属性和冷却液温度对柴油机循环波动的影响。结果表明,添加不同比例正丁醇对循环波动的影响并无明显规律,即燃料属性对循环波动的影响机理复杂并可能呈现随机性。 冷却液温度升高,循环波动降低,这在低负荷时更加明显。低十六烷值燃料在低负荷时更宜采取较高的冷却液温度。
Abstract:Based on a 11 L heavy-duty diesel engine which can meet China Ⅵ b emission standards, by using pure diesel, 85% diesel+15% butanol, and 70% diesel+30% butanol by volume, the effects of fuel properties and coolant temperatures on cycle variation were studied. The results showed that there are no clear laws on the effects of adding different proportions of n-butanlol on cycle variation. The effect of fuel properties on cycle variation is complex, and may be random. With coolant temperature increasing, cycle variation decreases,especially at low loads. High coolant temperature is more suitable for low cetane fuel at low loads.
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