Parameter Study on Combustion Chamber for A Newly Developed High-Power Four Stroke Diesel Engine
关键词:高速船用柴油机  燃烧室  喷嘴规格  流动燃烧
Key Words:high speed marine diesel engine  combustion chamber  nozzle specification  flow and combustion
刘腾* 中船动力研究院有限公司上海 201208 lt@cspi.net.cn 
宋雅丽 中船动力研究院有限公司上海 201208 syl@cspi.net.cn 
赵俊红 中船动力研究院有限公司上海 201208 60000724@cspi.net.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1293
全文下载次数: 1034
Abstract:The effects of 17 different groups of combustor profiles and nozzle specifications on the combustion characteristics of a high-power four-stroke diesel engine were analyzed. Cylinder pressure, heat release rate, fuel consumption trend, emission trend, wall heat transfer and air utilization were used as key points to evaluate the combustion characteristics of the engine. Results indicate that, for this type of engine, when three variables of nozzle number, nozzle cone angle, fuel flow rate and chamber profile are fixed, the 8-hole nozzle scheme can achieve lower fuel consumption and lower nitrogen oxide(NOx) emission, but the heat transfer of cylinder head and liner is higher. The 145° nozzle scheme cause poor fuel distribution and combustion process with higher fuel consumption and NOx emission. Higher fuel flow rate can reduce the fuel consumption and NOx emission, but the heat transfer of cylinder head increases and the heat transfer of cylinder liner decreases. Increasing depth and angle of bowl and throat cause higher NOx emission with slight improvement in fuel consumption, and increasing the angle of bowl is not conducive to improving air utilization. Increasing throat depth and angle can significantly increase the heat transfer of cylinder head and cylinder liner.
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