Research on Consistency of Fuel Supply System with Multiple Electronic Unit Pumps
关键词:电控单体泵  多泵供油系统  一致性  发动机
Key Words:electronic unit pump(EUP)  multi-pump fuel supply system  consistency  engine
王字满* 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081 Ziman.wang@bit.edu.cn 
刘晓鹏 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081 13589498647@163.com 
张佳豪 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081 jiahaoz2022@163.com 
尹元浩 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081 15235122305@163.com 
李少鹤 南岳电控(衡阳)工业技术股份有限公司衡阳 421000 lish@nydk.cn 
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摘要:通过开展不同低压供油压力和单泵关键结构参数对多泵一致性的影响研究,获得了多泵供油特性随各参数的变化规律。利用AMESim一维仿真软件建立了电控单体泵(electronic unit pump, EUP)单泵和某8 V柴油机多泵供油系统模型,对比试验数据验证模型的准确性。随后探究了低压供油压力和凸轮转速对单泵及8 V多泵供油系统中同侧4个单体泵的充油压力和供油压力的影响,确定0.6 MPa为最合适的低压供油压力,并获得了各缸供油峰值压力和峰值压力一致性的变化规律。同时研究了单个单体泵主要结构参数对自身和同侧4个单体泵的影响,得到散差随各参数的变化规律。研究结果表明:半锥角和高压油道直径变化时整体散差变动幅度均在0.5%以内;控制阀升程和柱塞直径变化时,喷油量和峰值压力散差波动的幅度分别为2.03%、0.58%和0.93%、0.19%,因此在加工制造时要严格控制控制阀升程和柱塞直径的精度。
Abstract:The research on the effects of different low-pressure fuel supply pressures and key structural parameters of a single pump on the consistency of multi-pumps was carried out. The variation law of multi-pump fuel supply characteristics with various parameters was obtained. Using AMESim one-dimensional simulation software, the model of the single pump of the electronic unit pump(EUP) and the fuel supply system of a certain 8 V diesel engine was established. The accuracy of the model was verified by comparing the test data. Then the influence of low-pressure fuel supply pressure and cam speed on the fuel charging pressure and fuel supply pressure of the four EUP’s on the same side in the single-pump as well as 8 V multi-pump fuel supply system was investigated. 0.6 MPa was determined as the most suitable low-pressure fuel supply pressure. The variation law of peak pressure and peak pressure consistency of fuel supply in each cylinder was obtained. At the same time, the influence of the main structural parameters of single EUP on itself and the four EUPs on the same side was studied. The variation rule of the dispersion with each structural parameter was obtained. The results show that when the half cone angle and the diameter of the high-pressure fuel tube change, the overall dispersion fluctuation rate is within 0.5%. When the control valve lift and plunger diameter change, the dispersion fluctuation rates of the injection volume and the peak pressure are 2.03%, 0.58% and 0.93%, 0.19%, so the precision of the control valve lift and plunger diameter should be strictly controlled during manufacturing.
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