陈贵升,曾辉许庆,田文静,等.极限碳载量下催化型柴油机颗粒捕集器再生特性研究[J].内燃机工程,2023,44(3):55-62. |
极限碳载量下催化型柴油机颗粒捕集器再生特性研究 |
Study on the Regeneration Characteristics of Catalytic Diesel Particulate Filter Under Ultimate Carbon Load |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2023.03.007 |
关键词:柴油机 柴油机颗粒捕集器 极限碳载量 再生特性 灰分 |
Key Words:diesel engine diesel particulate filter(DPF) ultimate carbon load regeneration characteristic ash |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(51866004) |
摘要点击次数: 1254 |
全文下载次数: 981 |
摘要:基于某高压共轨柴油机搭建了三维催化型柴油机颗粒捕集器(catalytic diesel particulate filter, CDPF)模型,研究了极限碳载量下不同结构CDPF的再生特性,分析了不同极限碳载量条件下灰分量及灰分分布系数对不同结构CDPF再生特性的影响。结果表明:极限碳载量下对称孔道结构(symmetrical cell technology, SCT)和非对称孔道结构(asymmetric cell technology, ACT)CDPF最高温度峰值随着极限碳载量增加而上升,不同结构CDPF压降随着极限碳载量的增加而上升且差距明显。随着极限碳载量的升高,CDPF载体温度及碳烟再生速率上升迅速且峰值明显增高。极限碳载量下,CDPF压降及载体最高温度随着灰分量的增加而上升,不同结构CDPF压降特性差异较大,SCT结构载体最高温度高于ACT结构,CDPF碳烟再生速率随灰分量的增加先上升后下降,在灰分量高时碳烟再生速率上升快且峰值高。极限碳载量下,相同灰分分布系数的不同结构CDPF压降差距明显,SCT结构压降整体高于ACT结构,不同结构CDPF碳烟再生速率和载体温度均随灰分分布系数的增加先上升后下降。 |
Abstract:A three-dimensional catalytic diesel particulate filter(CDPF) model was built on the basis of a diesel engine with high pressure and common rail. The research on the regeneration characteristics of different structures of CDPF under the ultimate carbon load was carried out. The analysis on the effects of ash content and ash distribution coefficient on the regeneration characteristics of CDPF with different structures under different ultimate carbon load conditions was conducted. In accordance with the results, it indicates that the maximum temperature peaks of CDPF of symmetrical cell technology (SCT) and asymmetric cell technology(ACT) under the ultimate carbon load enhance with the growth of ultimate carbon load. The pressure drop of CDPF with different structures increases with the growth of the ultimate carbon load and the difference is obvious. As the ultimate carbon load increases, the temperature of the CDPF carrier and the soot regeneration rate have rapid growth and the peak value increases significantly. The pressure drop of CDPF and the maximum temperature of the carrier under the ultimate carbon load increase with the growth of ash content, and the pressure drop features of CDPF with different structures are quite various. The maximum temperature of the SCT structure carrier is higher than that of the ACT structure. With the growth of ash content, the soot regeneration rate of CDPF first increases and then decreases, and the soot regeneration rate has rapid increase and high peak value under high ash content. The obvious differences in pressure drop of CDPF of different structures with the same ash distribution coefficient exist under the ultimate carbon load. The pressure drop of the SCT structure is generally higher than that of the ACT structure. As the ash distribution coefficient increases, the soot regeneration rate and carrier temperature of CDPF with different structures first increase and then decrease. |
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