包宇专,雷基林,李维贤,等.缸盖螺栓连接副结构对柴油机铝合金缸体缸孔变形的影响[J].内燃机工程,2023,44(3):114-124. |
缸盖螺栓连接副结构对柴油机铝合金缸体缸孔变形的影响 |
Influences of Structure of Cylinder Head Bolt Coupling on Cylinder Hole Deformation of Diesel Aluminum Alloy Cylinder Block |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2023.03.014 |
关键词:铝合金缸体 缸盖螺栓预紧力 螺栓孔 缸孔变形 傅里叶变换 评价指标 |
Key Words:aluminum alloy cylinder block cylinder head bolt preload bolt hole cylinder bore deformation Fourier transform evaluation index |
基金项目:云南省科技厅重大科技专项项目(202202AB080011) |
摘要点击次数: 1334 |
全文下载次数: 808 |
摘要:通过建立缸盖–缸垫–缸体耦合模型,采用数值仿真方法,研究了柴油机铸铁缸体和铝合金缸体在施加相同缸盖螺栓预紧力时,改变螺栓孔设计参数对缸孔关键截面失圆变形和平均圆度、圆柱度、同轴度和漏光率4个评价指标的影响。研究发现,铸铁缸体和铝合金缸体的关键截面在傅里叶变换下变形趋势基本一致,除了漏光率基本不变外,平均圆度、圆柱度、同轴度分别增大了54.40%、38.39%、27.08%;对于铝合金缸体,减小沉孔和螺栓孔比值能减小各截面的综合变形,同时平均圆度、圆柱度、同轴度也会减小,但处于螺纹主要受力段以下的截面在傅里叶四阶变形的极值相位角一致性变差;保持沉孔深度不变,适当增加螺纹旋合长度方案下缸体缸孔平均圆度、圆柱度、同轴度下降速率最明显;保持螺纹不变,减小沉孔深度方案下缸体缸孔平均圆度、圆柱度、同轴度的值最小,相较于原始缸体分别下降了32.74%、31.24%、39.34%。 |
Abstract:A cylinder head–gasket–block coupling model was presented and the numerical simulation method was used to determine the effects of changing the bolt hole design parameters on the key section of round cylinder hole deformation. And four evaluation indexes including the average roundness, cylindricity, coaxality, and light-leaking under the condition that the same cylinder head bolt pre-tightening force was applied to both cast iron cylinder and aluminum alloy cylinder. According to the study, there is almost no difference in the deformation trend of the key section between cast iron cylinders and aluminum alloy cylinders as shown in the Fourier transformation. The average roundness, cylindricity, and coaxality rose by 54.41%, 38.39%, and 27.08%, respectively, with little difference in light-leaking. In the case of aluminum alloy cylinders, a lower counterbore hole to bolt hole ratio led to less comprehensive deformation of each section and lower average roundness, cylindricity, and coaxality. However, the section below the main force section of the screw thread was less consistent in the extreme phase angle of the fourth-order Fourier deformation. When the counterbore depth was kept constant while the length of the screw thread was raised properly, the average roundness, cylindricity, and coaxality of cylinder holes decreased most dramatically. As the length of screw thread was kept constant while the counterbore depth was reduced, the average roundness, cylindricity, and coaxality of cylinder holes were the smallest, and decreased by 32.74%, 31.24%, and 39.34% respectively, compared with the original cylinder block. |
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