Multi-Objective Optimization Design of Piston Pinhole Profile of A Diesel Engine
关键词:活塞销孔  型线设计  代理模型  多目标优化
Key Words:piston pinhole  profile design  surrogate model  multi-objective optimization
苑光明* 河北工业大学 机械工程学院天津 300130 1642436550@qq.com 
张龙飞 河北工业大学 机械工程学院天津 300130
天津市新能源汽车动力传动与安全技术重点实验室天津 300130 
景国玺* 河北工业大学 机械工程学院天津 300130
天津市新能源汽车动力传动与安全技术重点实验室天津 300130 
张伟斌 滨州东海龙活塞有限公司滨州 256600  
刘义朋 河北工业大学 机械工程学院天津 300130
天津市新能源汽车动力传动与安全技术重点实验室天津 300130 
韩梦瑜 河北工业大学 机械工程学院天津 300130
天津市新能源汽车动力传动与安全技术重点实验室天津 300130 
摘要点击次数: 1299
全文下载次数: 996
Abstract:With the development of diesel engines towards high power density, the bearing capacity of piston pinhole needs higher requirements. A multi-objective optimization design for piston pinhole profile was proposed. Firstly, the thermo-mechanical coupling simulation model of 1/4 piston connecting rod group was established and the bearing characteristics of piston pinhole were analyzed. And then the validity of the simulation model was verified by comparing the pinhole contact pressure distribution of simulation model with the pinhole wear under the bench test. Subsequently, the parametric model of pinhole profile was established and the pinhole profile parameters were selected as design variables. The pinhole peak contact pressure, the pinhole maximum Mises stress, the inner chamber maximum Mises stress, and the combustion chamber lip maximum Mises stress were set as the optimization objectives. The optimized Latin hypercube sampling method was used on uniformly sampling in the design space and the Kriging surrogate model was established with the response target value. And then the decision coefficient was used to verify the accuracy of the surrogate model. Finally, the optimal design parameters of pinhole profile were obtained, by tacking the elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-Ⅱ) to optimize the pinhole profile. The optimization results show that the pinhole peak contact pressure was reduced by 24.5%, under the condition that the stress of other important parts of the piston was kept small.
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