Research on the Speed Measurement System and Skidding Characteristics of Cam–Roller of Internal Combustion Engines
关键词:内燃机  凸轮–滚轮  打滑特性  巨磁阻传感器
Key Words:internal combustion engine  cam–roller  skidding characteristic  giant magneto resistive(GMR) sensor
基金项目:内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室开放课题项目( skler-202003);国家自然科学基金项目(52005278)
黄积松* 青岛理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院青岛 266520 545202621@qq.com 
郭峰* 青岛理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院青岛 266520 mefguo01@qut.edu.cn 
栗心明 青岛理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院青岛 266520  
李书义 青岛理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院青岛 266520  
摘要点击次数: 1330
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摘要:搭建了基于某型号内燃机凸轮–滚轮机构的滚轮转速测量系统,初步研究了滚轮打滑特性。该系统采用巨磁阻(giant magneto resistance, GMR)传感器测量滚轮转速,得到实际运动下凸轮与滚轮间的平均滑差值。试验结果表明:真实工况下凸轮与滚轮间确实存在打滑,而且打滑受到工况条件的影响。试验发现,随凸轮转速增大,滚轮打滑总体增加,增大凸轮-滚轮接触副压力可以抑制凸轮与滚轮间打滑,低黏度润滑油也能够削弱打滑。
Abstract:A roller speed measurement system based on a certain type of internal combustion engine cam-roller mechanism was built, and the characteristics of roller skidding was preliminarily studied. A giant magneto resistance(GMR) sensor was used to measure the rotational speed of the roller, and the average skidding value between the cam and the roller under actual motion was obtained. The experimental results show that there is indeed skidding between the cam and the roller under real working conditions, and the skidding is affected by the working conditions. With the increase of the cam speed, the roller skidding increases overall. The skidding between the cam and the roller can be inhibited by increasing the cam–roller contact pressure, and low-viscosity lubricating oil can also reduce the skidding.
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