Experimental Study of Collaborative Optimization Based on Multiple Injection Parameters for Small Diesel Engines
关键词:柴油共轨  喷油策略  非道路排放  参数扫描  协同优化
Key Words:diesel common rail  injection strategy  non-road emission  parameter sweep  collaborative optimization
曾正祥* 上海工程技术大学 机械与汽车工程学院上海 201620 2411290236@qq.com 
狄亚格 上海工程技术大学 机械与汽车工程学院上海 201620  
缪雪龙* 上海工程技术大学 机械与汽车工程学院上海 201620 mxlwx@sina.com 
郑金保 上海工程技术大学 机械与汽车工程学院上海 201620  
何佳鑫 山东福瑞斯动力科技有限公司东营 257081  
李高明 山东福瑞斯动力科技有限公司东营 257081  
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摘要:针对一款1.06 L非道路三阶段排放的卧式柴油机,以非道路四阶段稳态排放循环8个工况为基础,展开油轨压力、喷射正时、预喷—主喷间隔、预喷油量4个参数单因子变化和多因子协同变化对柴油机油耗和排放影响的试验研究。利用参数扫描法进行比油耗和NOx等排放的多目标优化,使发动机排放达到非道路第四阶段法规的要求。通过分析各喷射参数对油耗和排放的敏感性,获得产品优化提升的指导方案。研究结果表明:喷射正时和轨压对柴油机有效燃油消耗率、NOx排放及CO排放的影响较大,对碳氢化合物(HC)排放影响较小。预喷—主喷间隔和预喷量对燃烧热效率和CO排放影响较大,对其他排放影响微弱。合理设定轨压和喷射正时的标定组合,可获得最佳的NOx排放与油耗的折中关系。此外,预喷可以有效降低HC排放。多参数协同优化后的8个工况排放加权结果为:颗粒物(particular matter, PM)排放为0.09 g/(kW·h),HC+NOx排放为4.17 g/(kW·h),CO排放为1.46 g/(kW·h),实现了产品优化升级并达到了“非四”排放法规的要求。
Abstract:Experimental study was conducted on a 1.06 L non-road stage Ⅲ horizontal diesel engine to investigate the influence of single and coupled multiple injection parameters on fuel consumption and emission under 8 working conditions of non-road stage Ⅳ steady state emission test cycle. The injection parameters include common rail fuel pressure, injection timing, pilot-main injection separation and pilot fuel injection quantity. In order to reach non-road stage Ⅳ emission level, brake specific fuel consumption(BSFC) and emission species such as NOx were selected as optimization objectives and finely calibrated by injection parameter sweeping. The engine performance optimization solution was obtained by analyzing the influence sensitivity of each injection parameter on fuel consumption and emission. Results show that the injection timing and rail pressure have significant impacts on fuel consumption, NOx and CO emissions but less effect on HC emission. Pilot-main injection interval and pilot fuel quantity have obvious influence on heat release rate and CO emission, but minimum on other emissions. Suitable calibration coupled with rail pressure and injection timing can get the best NOx–BSFC trade-off relationship. In addition, HC emission can be reduced effectively by tuning pilot injection. The weighted 8-mode emissions results, with multi-parameters collaboratively optimized, were 0.09 g/(kW·h) for particulate matter(PM) emission, 4.17 g/(kW·h) for the sum of HC emission and NOx emission, and 1.46 g/(kW·h) for CO emission, indicating that the original engine has been upgraded and the emissions have reached the non-road stage Ⅳ level.
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