胡轲,晁岳栋,胡祎诺,等.高效稀燃发动机预燃室试验研究[J].内燃机工程,2023,44(1):84-89. |
高效稀燃发动机预燃室试验研究 |
Experimental Study of the Prechamber of High Thermal Efficiency Lean Burn Engine |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2023.01.011 |
关键词:汽油发动机 稀燃 预燃室 热效率 |
Key Words:gasoline engine lean burn prechamber thermal efficiency |
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摘要点击次数: 2100 |
全文下载次数: 1306 |
摘要:为了研究预燃室点火技术的稀燃点火能力及预燃室点火技术对发动机性能的影响,用热力学单缸机试验的方法对比研究了不同点火方式的点火能力,并研究了预燃室点火条件下,进排气相位、滚流气道、预燃室设计对发动机性能的影响。研究结果表明:与传统的火花塞点火线圈点火方式相比,主动预燃室点火能量大,能稳定点燃λ>2.4的均质稀燃混合气,有效拓展稀燃极限;在预燃室点火条件下,通过优化进排气相位和滚流气道,结合合理的预燃室设计参数及发动机工况点的优化能提升热效率,试验测试已实现52.5%的指示热效率。 |
Abstract:The ignition ability of different ignition systems was compared by using thermodynamic single cylinder engine test method,to test and verify the lean burn ignition ability of pre-chamber system. Different valve timing, intake-port tumble, pre-chamber geometry were studied to study the pre-chamber ignition engine performance.Results show that compared with the spark plug, active pre-chamber has higher ignition energy, can ignite ultra lean burn mixture and expand the lean burn limit effectively. Thermodynamic development test was carried out on the single cylinder engine. 52.5% of high indicated thermal efficiency was achieved by optimizing the valve timing angle, intake-port turbulence intensity, pre-chamber geometry parameters. |
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