Simulation and Experimental Research on Electronic Control Design of A High Intensity Diesel Engine Cooling System
关键词:柴油机  电控冷却  耗油率  热平衡
Key Words:diesel engine  electrically controlled cooling  fuel consumption rate  heat balance
郭旭 海军工程大学武汉 430033 343634177@qq.com 
张萍 海军工程大学武汉 430033  
张博* 海军工程大学武汉 430033 821021174@qq.com 
周磊 海军工程大学武汉 430033  
摘要点击次数: 1002
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摘要:针对传统冷却系统与柴油机冷却需求不匹配的问题,进行了冷却系统电控化设计仿真研究。基于Simulink软件设计了电控冷却系统仿真模型,提出了电控冷却控制策略,并开展了变柴油机工况条件下电控冷却控制策略验证仿真。对传统冷却部件进行电控化改造(电控海水泵、电控淡水泵和电子节温器),搭建电控冷却系统试验台架,通过试验分析了电控冷却对柴油机耗油率和热平衡的影响,结果表明:相对于传统冷却系统,电控冷却系统在900 r/min、负荷率30%,1 200 r/min、负荷率60%,1 500 r/min、负荷率90%这3个工况点的耗油率分别降低9.4 g/(kW·h)、6.8 g/(kW·h)和3.9 g/(kW·h),燃油经济性和热量分配得到改善。
Abstract:To solve the problem that the traditional cooling system does not match the cooling demand of diesel engine, the simulation research of electronic control design of the cooling system was carried out. Based on Simulink simulation software, the simulation model of electronically controlled cooling system was designed, the electronically controlled cooling control strategy was proposed, and the verification simulation of electronically controlled cooling control strategy under variable diesel engine working conditions was carried out. The electronic control transformation of traditional cooling components (electronic control seawater pump, electronic control freshwater pump and electronic thermostat) was carried out, and the test bench of electronic control cooling system was built. Through the test, the influence of electronic control cooling on diesel engine fuel consumption and heat balance was analyzed. The results show that, compared with conventional cooling systems, the fuel consumption rate of the electronically controlled cooling system was reduced by 9.4 g/(kW·h), 6.8 g/(kW·h) and 3.9 g/(kW·h) respectively at the diesel engine operating condition of 900 r/min and 30% load rate, 1 200 r/min and 60% load rate, and 1 500 r/min and 90% load rate. Fuel economy and heat distribution have been improved for the electronically controlled cooling system.
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