Emission Characteristics of Fine Particle Number of China Ⅵ Heavy-Duty Engines
关键词:柴油机  天然气发动机  细颗粒物  颗粒物数量  排放
Key Words:diesel engine  natural gas engine  fine particle  particle number  emission
汪晓伟* 中汽研汽车检验中心(天津)有限公司天津 300300 wangxiaowei@catarc.ac.cn 
凌健 中汽研汽车检验中心(天津)有限公司天津 300300  
景晓军 中汽研汽车检验中心(天津)有限公司天津 300300  
张琳 中汽研汽车检验中心(天津)有限公司天津 300300  
高涛 中汽研汽车检验中心(天津)有限公司天津 300300  
李刚* 中国环境科学研究院北京 100012 ligang@vecc.org.cn 
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摘要:选取了满足目前国六排放标准的重型柴油机和天然气发动机,在发动机台架上运行冷热态世界统一瞬态循环(world harmonized transient cycle, WHTC),同时测量直径10 nm以上颗粒物数量(particle numbers with diameter above 10 nm, PN10)和直径23 nm以上颗粒物数量(particle numbers with diameter above 23 nm, PN23)。结果表明:该柴油机的PN10比排放比PN23高35.3%~105.4%;而天然气发动机PN10比排放较PN23高84.8%~1 400.0%,PN10和PN23的瞬态排放变化规律基本一致。天然气发动机冷起动时排气温度较低,且混合气加浓导致PN排放非常严重。尤其是对于高热值天然气,冷态WHTC下10 nm~23 nm的PN排放占总PN排放的93.3%,天然气发动机细颗粒物数量排放亟待进行管控。
Abstract:A heavy-duty diesel engine and a heavy-duty natural gas engine that meet the current China Ⅵ emission standard were selected to run hot and cold world harmonized transient cycle(WHTC) on the engine test bench. Fine particle numbers with diameters above 10 nm (PN10) and fine particle numbers with diameters above 23 nm (PN23) were measured at the same time. The results show that the specific emission of PN10 of this diesel engine were 35.3%~105.4% higher than that of PN23. The PN10 specific emissions of the natural gas engine were 84.8%~1 400.0% higher than that of the PN23. The changes of transient emissions of PN10 and PN23 were basically the same. PN emissions of natural gas engine were extremely serious at cold run due to the low exhaust temperature and mixture rich strategy. Especially for natural gas with high calorific value, the PN emission with particle diameter within 10 nm~23 nm accounted for as high as 93.3% in the total PN emission. It is urgent to strengthen the control of fine particle number emissions for natural gas engines.
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