Effects of Cylinder Liner Out-of-Round Deformation on Sealing Performance and Friction Loss of the Piston–Cylinder Liner Friction Pair Under Different Loads
关键词:载荷  缸套  失圆变形  摩擦损失  密封性能
Key Words:load  cylinder liner  out-of-round deformation  friction loss  sealing performance
毕玉华* 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 yuhuabi97@sina.com 
祖菘 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500  
刘少华* 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 1119175410@qq.com 
申立中 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500  
陈思吉 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500  
王治 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500  
摘要点击次数: 1648
全文下载次数: 1001
摘要:以非道路高压共轨柴油机干式缸套为研究对象,采用仿真与测试相结合的方法,在热态、热态预紧、热态预紧过盈、热机耦合和热机耦合过盈工况下对比研究了载荷变化对缸套综合变形特征的影响规律,研究了不同缸套变形特征对活塞–缸套摩擦副的机油消耗量、窜气量及摩擦损失的影响规律。研究结果表明,在热态工况下,摩擦损失功最大,为1.09 kW;在热态预紧工况下,机油耗最大,为4.29 g/h;在热态预紧过盈工况下,窜气量最大,为15.71 L/min。在热态工况下施加预紧力,摩擦损失功减小,机油耗和窜气量增大,继续施加缸套过盈载荷,摩擦损失功和窜气量增大,机油耗减小;在热机耦合工况下施加缸套过盈载荷,摩擦损失功、机油耗和窜气量均增大。
Abstract:The dry cylinder liners of a non-road high-pressure common-rail diesel engine were selected as the research objects. A method of combining simulation analysis and bench test was used to study the comprehensive deformation characteristics of the cylinder liners under the thermal state, thermal–preload state, thermal–preload state with interference fit, thermal–mechanical coupling, and thermal–mechanical coupling with interference fit condition, respectively. In addition, the effects of different deformation characteristics on friction loss, blow-by, and lubricating oil consumption of the piston–cylinder liner friction pair were also studied. The results show that under the thermal state condition, the friction loss is the maximum 1.09 kW. Under the thermal–preload condition, the oil consumption is the maximum 4.29 g/h. Under the thermal–preload state with interference fit condition, the blow-by volume is the maximum 15.71 L/min. By applying bolt preload on the liners under thermal state condition, the friction loss reduced and the oil consumption and blow-by increased. With the superposition of the interference fit load, the friction loss and blow-by increased, and the oil consumption decreased. With the interference fit load applied on the liners under thermal–mechanical coupling condition, the friction loss, oil consumption, and blow-by all increased.
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