Real Driving Emissions from China Ⅵ Heavy-Duty Diesel–Liquefied Natural Gas Vehicles
关键词:重型车  液化天然气  实际道路排放  国六排放标准
Key Words:heavy-duty vehicle  liquefied natural gas(LNG)  real drivingemission  China Ⅵ emission regulation
王树达* 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081 wangshuda97@foxmail.com 
谭建伟* 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081 tanjianwei@bit.edu.cn 
吕立群 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081  
郝利君 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081  
王欣 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081  
葛蕴珊 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 100081  
摘要点击次数: 1717
全文下载次数: 1046
摘要:利用便携式排放测试系统(portable emission testing system, PEMS)分别对4辆典型重型柴油车和4辆典型重型液化天然气(liquefied natural gas, LNG)车开展实际道路排放测试,并利用功基窗口法与行程平均法分析其实际道路NOx、CO、CO2和颗粒数量(particulate number, PN)排放特性。结果表明:排放后处理技术路线能够有效控制国六重型柴油车在实际道路工况下的NOx、CO和PN排放;但LNG车的CO排放存在超排放限值的风险,部分LNG车存在NOx排放超过限值的现象,而PN排放则存在较大不确定性,部分LNG车的PN排放较高。在碳排放方面,LNG车实际道路CO2比排放较柴油车降低6%~18%,有较为明显的减碳优势。
Abstract:A portable emission testing system(PEMS) was used to test the real driving emissions of four typical heavy-duty diesel vehicles and four typical heavy-duty liquefied natural gas(LNG) vehicles respectively. The real driving emission characteristics of NOx, CO, CO2, and particulate number(PN) were analyzed by the work-based window method and trip average method. The results indicats that the emission aftertreatment technology can effectively control the NOx, CO, and PN emission factors of China Ⅵ heavy-duty diesel vehicles under real driving conditions. However, the CO emission of LNG vehicles have a risk of exceeding the emission limit, and some LNG vehicles have a phenomenon of over-NOx-emission. The PN emissions are uncertain, and some LNG vehicles have higher PN emissions. For carbon emissions, the real driving CO2 emission factors of LNG vehicles are 6%~18% lower than those of diesel vehicles, where the carbon reduction is of a great manifest.
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